yoichis in elementary school already, is he? same as always. im teaching at university. anyway. you said that the phone rang? so if i watch it too, that phone over there-- well, why dont you try calling an exorcist? turn this way. its over. well, it looks like your phones not ringing. make me a copy of this, will you? id like to do a little research of my own. theres no reason to write us off as dead just yet. so, it was you. you did it. hey. nothing. so, whatd you come up with? how about the other angle? pirate signals or. asakawa. have you ever seen this woman? so, what does that mean? volcanic eruption. eruption where? come on in. asakawa, meet my student, takano mai. whatre they talkin to you about it for? ask them to wait another week. ok, ok. this is impossible. sada. is yoichi gonna be all right? whoever made this had to have left some kind of clue behind. theyre probably waiting for us to find it. wait a minute. shoumon bakkari, boukon ga kuru zo. did you hear that, too? im gonna check it out. ive got it. its a dialect, just like i thought. shoumon means playing in the water and boukon means monster. * oshima. and the site of our eruption is mt. mihara. has your newspaper got someone out there at oshima? i need you to find out, and let me know how to get hold of him. tonight. youve only got four days left, asakawa! your newspaper contact and i can handle this from here on out. you just stay with yoichi. yeah. your oshima contact came through. it looks like the woman who predicted the mihara eruption is the same woman from the video. her name is yamamura shizuko. she committed suicide forty years ago by throwing herself into mt. mihara. im gonna have to check it for myself. ill be leaving for oshima tomorrow morning. i know. and ive got four. ill be in touch. i shouldve been more careful. when i was at your place that day, i could feel something there. i thought it was just because of the video. thats not tomoko. not anymore. i wonder. this kind of thing. it doesnt start by one person telling a story. its more like everyones fear just takes on a life of its own. or maybe its not fear at all. maybe its what we were secretly hoping for all along. she was taking a real beating in the press, being called a fraud and all sorts of names. after a while she just lost it. shizuko was getting a lot of attention around the island after predicting the eruption of mt. mihara. seems that for some time shed had a rather unique ability: precognition. it was around then that she attracted the attention of a certain scholar whom you may have heard of; ikuma heihachiro. this professor ikuma convinces shizuko to go to tokyo with him, where he uses her in a series of demonstrations meant to prove the existence of esp. at first shes the darling of the press, but the next thing you know theyre knocking her down, calling her a fraud. hmph. forty years later, the media still hasnt changed that much. after getting kicked out of university, ikuma just vanished, and no ones been able to get hold of him since. hes probably not even alive anymore. because hes supposed to have had a child with shizuko. a daughter. separate, please. arent you gonna eat? hm? oh, stop it. i said stop it! have you forgotten there was a girl with tomoko when she died? that girls now in a mental institution. who knows what could happen. why, because im already not right in the head? if thats the case, why not just let things run its course, get rid of father -and- son? yoichi was a mistake, anyway. we still have two days left. come in. is this professor ikuma? what kind of a child was shizuko? shoumon bakkari shiteru to, boukon ga kuru zo. if you keep playing in the water, the monster will come for you. shizuko could see inside people, couldnt she? down to the places theyd most like to keep hidden. it must have been difficult for her. ive got a little of that ability myself. it was you who spread the word about shizuko, wasnt it? and you who first contacted professor ikuma? you thought youd be able to make some money off her. you even got some, from one of the newspapers. tell us about shizukos daughter. who was she? she was there, with shizuko. she had to be. you were there! you stood there and watched the demonstration. sadako?! sadako killed him? she can kill just with a thought? sadakos probably already dead. she could kill people with just a thought, remember? her mother wasnt even close to that. nobody made it. it wasnt made at all. that video. is the pure, physical manifestation of sadakos hatred. weve been cursed. what about the fishing boats? tell their captains ill pay. fine! ill try searching myself! and weve got no way of going back. please. take us out. sadako probably died back out there at izu, before the rental cottages were ever built. ikuma smuggled her out in secret. his relationship with shizuko was already a scandal, and one of the reasons he got drummed out of the university. weve gotta find sadakos body. its all weve got left to try. we made it. maybe sadako doesnt have it out for us after all. what time was it when you first watched the video? if the rumors are true, that time is gonna be our deadline. -here-. i knew it! the well. it was ikuma who put this lid on. and sadakos still inside. ill go. sadako was alive! shed tried to climb her way out. lower the buckets! take it up! take it up! i know! hurry up and take it up!! take it up! asakawa! what the hell are you doing? trying to get me killed? hey! asakawa! well change. youre in no condition to keep this up. who do you expect to pull up these buckets, then? and what about yoichi, huh? is his mother not coming to pick him up after all? dont look down! hey! asakawa! its already 10 minutes past seven! we did it! maybe she wasnt his daughter at all. maybe her father. wasnt even human. its gone. enough, already. its over. cmon. ill take you home. get some rest. that girl. why?! thats it! asakawa. aaargh!