orson is the sweetest boy. we're both from the midwest, you know. he's just a local fella making good, ya follow? priceless! huh? so, what, it went into your other hand? now, orson, you know i'm just dyin' to see your picture and i know it's gonna be boffo, but you're writing about a publisher, right? you're not doin' hearst, are you? a delicious amalgamation, is it? orson, hold on. look into my eyes. tell me you are not doing hearst. pictures of the castle? thanks, doll. get me more. schaefer, i gotta see this welles picture you drink at 10 am, do you? i wanna see the picture today cut the malarkey, buddy. the boss himself wants me to see the picture today. that's right uh-huh i'll be back at noon. set it up in screening room four. it's all you. it has the political campaigns and the mining fortune and the war with pulitzer and the castle. and . marion. the jigsaw puzzles and the, urn, career -- the man spending a fortune to make her a star -- only it's opera and not movies. and. the drinking. thank you, sir. she begins to leave sir? sir? sir, i- he lied to me he looked into my face and told me it wasn't about you. i want blood that's right, fella, no hearst paper will run an rko ad until you agree that citizen kane will never see the light of day. nix, sweetie. you shelve it and mr. hearst has authorized me to tell you that you're looking at the most beautiful lawsuit in history if you release this picture. he'll bleed your little studio dry and you can all go on back to new york and do shakespeare with the boy wonder. you are talking to him. so what do we got here, l.b.? we got faggots and commies and junkies. we got movie stars screwing niggers and little girls. we got killers and perverts and whores. we got mgm and warner brothers and columbia and disney and fox. we got jews we got hollywood. kill citizen kane. i don't give a shit. the boss is working on some stuff and i'm working on some stuff. now i want all you boys working on some stuff. cause if it looks like this picture's ever gonna come out -- i start running down the street with these pictures like a screaming woman with my throat cut, you follow?