and we would hear them scuttling around at night with their little red eyes and little yellow t-t- teeth and i'm just imagining plague lice jumpin' all over the damn place so we set t-t-traps everywhere. and every morning we would find the t-t-traps sprung but no mice! just wait. so one night i notice pops getting outta bed and sneaking away. and he's got this little p-p- paper bag with him, right? middle of the night. so i figure the old man's really up to no good this time and i follow him. well i'll be g-g-goddamned if he's not springing all the traps and leaving cheese for the rats! you and that freak disney, in love with the damn rats! why mr. welles is attempting semaphore and is dear mank your b-b-bull? enough hollywood talk! can't anyone talk about anything else? ooh, dish. god, these parties are the worst that's why he has the parties, he says it's like bringing the world to me. with about twenty of his spies on my tail. no thanks. it's not so bad here. after all, what girl doesn't want to live in a castle? mr. welles certainly is a caution and attractive in a hammy sort of way. i can't he needs me here. mankie, mankie d-d-dance with me shit, can you smell it? you got any sen-sen? mr. welles, you got any--? oh fuck it. goddamn it. i gotta have some kinda life! there certainly is i there certainly is! aw, to hell with you! this is supposed ta be siam or some such. some kinda lousy b-b-balinese temple. this look like a temple to you? i can't see it myself-- there. that's right. nuts. she only cares about the money. she thinks i'll make you cut her out of the w-w-w-w. will. you oughta lay off him -- he is the p-p-president, after all. don't whaddaya think? how bad is it? pops how much? how much? we're 125 million dollars in debt? how does one get 125 million dollars in debt? well -- he got us, didn't he? she stands and goes quickly to pour a drink. a forced laugh nailed us, hub? the crazy old man and his whore. bought and p-p-paid for. just like one of his goddamn statues. well at least in the movie he married her! i am not that woman. i mean he's even got the goddamn jigsaw puzzles why did he do that to us? how bad is it? come on joe. how bad is it? sure, pops. that's a swell idea then you explain it to me?! a million dollars a year on art and st-st-statues and there's nothing to explain?! i'm not asking you to defend anything. but we're in a pickle and we gotta talk about it. you gotta wake up now. pops. you don't have any money left, okay?! that's the truth. i don't wanna say it, nobody else will say it, but it's the truth. you spent it all. you can't buy the tribune in chicago -- you can't buy ^ g-g- goddamn thing. now you better face up to it-- you don't need it! that's the problem you always think you need everything-- that -- did you need that? how much did that cost? i know where deauville is for c-c-christ's sake. did you need it? did you need any of it? there's a different between want and but why? just so you can show it all off -- just so everyone can see what a b-b-big man you are?! you will not walk out on me tough shit. we need to t-t-talk about this-- fuck you, mr. kane. i just want to understand-- i don't want you to-- when i met him i was just 20. and he was 55. i saw the gold ring and just grabbed on. and he was going to make me a star. when i was making movies i kept begging him to let me do comedies. silly stuff, you know. but pops doesn't get comedy too well so he kept putting me in all those godawful p-p-period dramas. i did my best but, well, you know me thing that bothers me now, though, looking back is that i really think i could have been something . special. yeah. but all of a sudden it's not you know this citizen kane picture? about pops and everything? the character that's supposed to be me, susan alexander-- but i am that's the killer, honey. it's hell when you gotta look back and say, goddamn, what i could have been. i, um, need an estimate on some jewelry i might wish to sell. but d-d-discretion is very important to me b-b-because i don't want anyone t-t-to, um, know that-- yes. thank you- thank you -- b-b-but i'd really like t-t-to-- as i said i have some j-j-j-j- that i might wish t-t-to sell and i wanted an estimate-- how much for the lot? i started out as a gold-digger, ya know but goddamn if i didn't fall in love with the guy. mr. hearst spent his life collecting that art. this is your whole life. pops. don't do it. we'll find another way. pops . let it go. just . let it go