who does that cocksucker think he is? serves him right. i mean can you stomach the arrogance? after rko boots him maybe we'll pick him up cheap. have him do that war of the worlds crap as a feature. randolph! no -- no -- sit down, please over at rko? uh-hub. yeah you know that can't happen. bel air is restricted. yeah what do you want? how? mr. zanuck . mr. warner . mr. cohn mr. disney . . mr. goldwyn . . . mr. selznick. it's enough that he does in a new york minute who isn't hurting already? all this jew talk and these communist rumors. look, he's boycotting rko ads right now -- but how long before he takes on warners or fox or columbia? and if hearst goes public with all this filthy private lives stuff, hollywood's sunk. he's got us nailed. dates. times. photographs for god's sake. he's got you so tied in with j. edgar hoover and america first that you might as well put on a brown shirt and kiss those happy little kiddies so-long. david- we will buy the movie and we will destroy it. we will assemble a fund between us -- privately, 'not studio money -- we will assemble this fund and we will go to george schaefer and we will buy the negative and every print of citizen kane and we will burn them. if i do not hear an objection to this agenda in the next five seconds i will assume the motion has carried. very well, my associates will be in touch to arrange payment. thank you for your time. it came. 800,000 dollars fully covers the production budget and a little more. hell, george, you even make a profit on the deal. and we gotta be clear here. i need the negative and every existing print. that's for me to decide. no, maybe put it on the shelf until the old man kicks it. we already made the same offer to the stockholders. yes yes you're bettin' on an inside straight this time. you'll never pull it off. this picture, george, it'll just break your heart.