because i love them so dearly, i cannot dishonor them. a sailor creeps up behind aslan, club in hand. no man controls my destiny. especially not one who attacks downwind and stinks of garlic. robin laughs. the saracen remains intense. if our positions were reversed, i would have done the same. only i would have succeeded. he smiles broadly. robin claps him on the shoulder. in your land am i not the infidel? the unbeliever, the instrument of evil? then i trust it is safer to appear as your slave than as your equal. those are my burdens. it is close to sunset. endless clouds. is there no sun in your cursed country? which way is east? east? east?!!! robin folds his arms. a standoff. damn you!. jasmina. which way is east? are you sure? worth dying for. robin stands smiling over him as aslan begins his prayers. baying of hunting dogs. in the distance, the boy wulf runs toward them, ducks behind a tree and clubs the leading dog with a branch. the other hounds close in. panting with exhaustion, wulf swings into the branches. a hound savages his leg. the soldiers surround the tree. the boy clambers precariously onto the highest branch. robin surrep- titiously steals a crossbow from one of the soldiers' horses. i will fulfill my vow when i choose. you whine like a mule. you are still alive. a flesh wound. why did you let their leader go? the conquering hero returns. with feather pillows? easy. look at him. duncan steps into the moonlight. his face crudely- scarred. come, friend. he leads the old man away. cut to: like a rock. duncan offers half the bread to the saracen. it surprises me that one who curses others so readily has lived so long. er. no. a fine saracen name. lord, yes. but eat in peace. i take no offense. by the prophet! what is the man doing? robin raises his dagger over his wrist. aslan runs to him. wait! too late. robin slashes the dagger across his palm. rain and blood mingle. streaming onto the grave. a fine, wet army. i have never witnessed a storm of such duration. when does summer come to this land? then allah truly is great. no food, no shelter, and weather that would curse the end of the earth. we will all quickly be dead, and i shall be rid of my vow. they approach a stone wall, surrounding a thatched mansion. what is this place? the hospitality here is as warm as the weather. robin! the old man hears horses. approaching fast. he runs to a bluff. a column of soldiers snakes up the hillside. twenty or more. in battle armor. treat it like a woman. robin continues to hit his horse and hurl abuse. closing in, the soldiers unfurl their crossbows. a flight of bolts whistles ominously close to robin. he must jump or die. have you never had a woman? gently, man. soothe it! softly. with your knees. come, robin! he is trying to anger you into a trap. a shaft pierces the flank of robin's horse. it rears in fright. robin clings on. six soldiers, the men gisborne split off, are climbing the embankment towards him. robin regains control. rides right at them. scatters them, and takes off again. gisborne yells at his men to follow. here they come. look. robin puts the device to his eye. no. arab science. he replaces the tube in his pouch. how did your uneducated kind ever take jerusalem? allah protect us from the evil spirits. duncan clings to his back. robin points. cease your mad laughing. i can feel them. robin reaches into the branches. pulls out a string of hollowed wooden tubes -- windchimes. dozens of such strings on all the trees. he blows over the hollow end. a low chilling moan. you seemed more in danger of losing your pride than your life. your avenging army, my friend. all they need is a leader. defeat him and they will follow you. with regrets, i decline. on the contrary. i thank you, but my faith prevents me from partaking in such enjoyments. i have led you wrong. this is no army. these men live like dogs. learn what? to build kennels? he sullenly stalks away. robin shakes his head. aslan is right. he rouses duncan, who is asleep at his side. the old man groans awake, holding his head. seriously hung-over. you should not have left without me, englishman. before i had a choice. a foolish risk. if you had been killed, i would be cursed for eternity for failing to fulfil my pledge. this man has true purpose. he means to kill you. here they come. two wagons. twenty escort. and they call me the barbarian. perhaps it is time for some heathen persuasion. cut to: england. by allah, leeches! he starts to pull the parasites off. tuck jumps at him. blood is like air. if she loses blood, she and the child will die. john is paralyzed with confusion. tuck appeals to robin. fool, both the bible and the koran instruct us to preserve life. tuck raises an arm to strike aslan. robin blocks the blow. aslan gently touches the mother's stomach. your baby has not turned. it cannot be born without help. if you will allow me, i can help her. it will not be without danger. if you do not listen to me, she will certainly die. and the child, too. fanny cries out. john looks to robin, pleading for advice. bring me a needle, thread, water, a skinning knife, and burning ashes. wulf runs to obey. john looks horrified. robin eases him outside, then returns to aslan's side. they whisper. the child must be taken out by the knife. i have seen it many times with horses. after wasting so much blood. not good. are you ready?. bite down on this. robin, hold her steady. he lifts the red-hot knife from the ashes. it is a boy. the mother revives. aslan places the child on her breast. your son, my lady. robin, hold her skin together while i sew her up. he picks up the needle and thread. robin's eyes turn to the woman's abdomen. he faints. cut to: alas, i am not permitted. this must be a truly evil potion, to make the soul feel this good. he downs the entire jug in one long draught. refills it. come, holy man. a toast to all of allah's children. the true believers and the fat infidels. tuck laughs and drinks. aslan sways and topples at the friar's feet. heaves up all over the holy sandals. tuck looks at robin. if it was jehovah who created this brew, he is truly wise. he built the punishment into the crime. an arrow whistles into a tree. robin reacts. we will go there. you forget yourself. i am not your servant. take my eyes, then. he hands robin his telescope. cut to: behind you! too late. a sword is driven through bull's gut. aslan grabs the attacker by the neck and pile-drives him into the cave wall. the man's skull cracks against the rocks. aslan runs to robin's side, as wulf hurries to bull's. robin is slumped against a rock. they have poisoned you. there are herbs that can alter a man's brain. i know of only one cure. he drops to one knee, slams robin violently across the other. slaps him on the back and forces his fingers down his throat. it worked for me this very morning. you will thank me for this later. your gratitude warms my heart. it is fortunate that i did. he urged me to bring him. he was a brave man and i grieve for him. praise be to allah that i do not grieve for you also. or for my broken vow. i am glad you are feeling better. ahead of them, wulf shouts and reins in. he points into the distance. a huge cloud of smoke is darkening the sky. i saved your life. i will not let you give it away for no purpose. does the witch still have possession of your senses? if we meet up with the survivors we may yet give them some help. and do some damage to the enemy. it was a fiendish mind that planned this campaign. this war is the god of abraham against the forces of evil. no, friend. it was you who gave these men pride. and you? that is for me to decide. to the end, friend. i have prayed for you, often, my brother. but, let us put prayer aside and help our gods in a more practical manner. i must reveal to you the mysteries of the black powder. tuck takes a bowl of the powder close to the fire to examine it. aslan snatches it back. before tuck can react, robin walks up. there is no such thing. but if there was. . i would surely be one. robin reaches out and shakes aslan's hand. a moment of bonding. he moves on to the others, clasping each man's hand as he speaks. you talk too much! he leaps. rams the arrow through the chieftain's mouthpiece. out the back of his neck. the chieftain grabs his helmet, trying to rip it off. he topples, his life's blood gushing from both sides of his neck. aslan plants a foot on the slain warrior. englishmen! i am not one of you, yet i fight for you. against a tyrant. join me now. join robin hood. the onlookers are inspired. grabbing weapons from fallen soldiers, many join the fray. for allah!. for jehovah! for brotherhood!. for justice! ali akbar! what you fear is not below. he charges at her with the bloody spear. she screams hideously as he thrusts it right through her chest. her madness is superhuman. with strength beyond all reason, she crawls up the spear's shaft, forcing it further through her body in her effort to get at him. clutching, screeching, hissing. her talons groping at his face, aslan strains to the last ounce of his will and heaves her over the battle- ments. with an ear-splitting shriek, she plummets to the ground. i'm going home the easy way, robin. i have no strength, brother tuck. please! it hurts when i laugh. my friend, a word of advice. ride her better than your horse. robin laughs.