the prisoners are led to the scaffold, where the hooded executioner waits, along with the chieftain. wulf staggers, from his beating. nottingham's men encircle tuck's cart. he watches them nervously. will leads the sheriff to tuck's cart. wulf crosses himself as the executioner steers him to the noose. a hush falls. except for a rotund old woman who is barging to the front. and a wounded soldier, his head bandaged, who eases her path, striking out with his tree- branch crutch. the scaffold is impregnable. celts and their chieftain guard the platform itself. the sherriff's men surround the base. the executioner encircles wulf's neck with the noose. sparks! tuck ignites a fuse-cord leading to one of the barrels. a hand tightens the noose. another grasps an arrow. the executioner's eyes glint through the slits. nottingham intently watches wulf. the chieftain stands, impassive. fingers close on a bowstring. the fuse-cord burns. wulf steps to the trap, ready to plunge. his eyes close. an arrow flies. slices through the executioner's eye slit. the executioner falls. little john celebrates. but the chieftain leaps forward. releases the trap. wulf's body plunges. the rope snaps tight. little john yells. fanny screams. a figure leaps onto the platform. the wounded soldier throws aside his crutch. robin! wulf dangles, strangling. his hands wrench at the choking cord. a full-scale riot. the populace has turned. into the fray comes fanny little, leading a rabble of servants and kitchen staff, fighting with pots, pans, brooms, knives, hooks, and bedpans. robin emerges from the castle. draped over his shoulder, marian is kicking and beating at him. he reaches the fountain in the center of the square and tosses her into the freezing water. she leaps to her feet, yelling. slips and tumbles back. water streams from her bridal gown. a crowd gathers, enjoying the show.