you owe the sheriff three bushels of flax. for starving people, you look fat enough. where is your mate? the man they call little. is that so? we hear he is very much alive. hiding out in the forest. he probably ran away to escape your scolding tongue. the soldiers join in his laughter. incensed, fanny pounds her fist on his legs. gisborne kicks her down. seize him! while two soldiers grab the boy, others examine his hiding place. a secret thatched door, built into the side of a haystack. a bow and quiver. and a deer carcass. gisborne dismounts. this is lord nottingham's deer. is this how you repay the sheriff for his protection? poachers hang. either he dies or you die. you have deprived us of a hunt, boy. he cups his hand in the deer's blood. smears it on wulf's face. the hounds know the scent well. he tosses his bloody glove to the dogs. they tear at each other in their effort to rip at the glove. run, boy. like a deer. give us some pleasure before you die. unleash them! you're not playing by the rules, boy. deer don't climb trees. perhaps he thinks he's a game bird. shall we teach him to fly? cut it down! the soldiers hack at the trunk. the tree quivers. stand back, stranger. this is no affair of yours. i advise you to move on, pilgrim. this is the sheriff's land. i grow dangerously tired of your wit. chop it down! chop down the hooded fool. kill him! set the dogs on him! well, hooded stranger, allow me to know your name before i run you through. robin of locksley! please, locksley! no! robin drives the point into gisborne's rear. the man leaps. away, fool. he shoves the sentry aside. i met a hooded man today. he bade me warn you not to harm his people. robin of locksley. this whelp bested five of my men in the blink of an eye. you brought her here? no one. i have seen no one. locksley has a companion. a dark- skinned foreigner. he had the marked skin of islam. mortianna trembles like an epileptic. eyes wide with terror. it is madness bringing the hag here. you have been sheltering outlaws, lady marian. you're lucky he didn't steal your virtue too. a crown to the man who brings me locksley's head. he leads the pursuit. a soldier hangs back. grabs marian's hair. robin of the hood! son of the devil worshipper. it was i who strung your father's corpse to the castle gate. my pleasure will be in doing the same to you. your father died a coward, cursing your name and squealing like a stuck pig. come on, damn you! there are only three of them. i swear he will not live to see the next full moon. we were ambushed. in sherwood forest. nottingham tests the sword against an anvil. all the men are gone. well, it er. disappeared. they were woodsmen, dressed in green.