what are ya, m'old cock? john little. bestman o' the woods. sacred to us too, mush. this here'll feed us for a bloomin' month. robin draws his sword. i'd love to, mate. he grins hugely. a boy pushes his way through the throng. naw ya don't, laddie. is that so? another grin. licking his lips in anticipation, he lunges for robin's wrist. wrenches the sword free. bends it into a pretzel. and for the laughs. the woodsmen find this hysterical. they disappear into the tree. will administers one final kick before leaving. robin staggers to his feet. glares furiously at aslan. just bugger off, mate, huh? ain't i hurt you a bloody nuff for one day? alright, m'old cock. you wanna nuther good wallopin'? his confidence melting, robin glances back at duncan and aslan, who grins like a fan at a boxing match. john storms at robin. staffs thrash. driven back, robin connects a blow on john's foot. the giant is off-balance. robin follows up. lands a couple to the ribs. john responds with heavy swings, which robin blocks deftly. back and forth, blow for blow, all blocked. john chuckles with every swing. enjoying the time of his life. their staffs lock. it's strength against strength. robin is no match. with one mighty thrust, john hurtles him into the stream. the woodsmen cheer loudly. aslan watches impassively. robin scrambles back onto the bridge. john waits, grinning. lil' wet behind the ears, mate? swimmin' time again, ol' chum. the coup de grace. lands heavily. robin teeters. falls. disappears under the foaming water. does not re-emerge. john waits. the spectators rush to the bank. no sign. bloomin' shame. 'e were a brave 'un. suddenly robin arcs up out of the water. his hands clamp onto john's ankles. robin heaves with all his might. john topples headfirst into the water. surfaces in panic. help! cain't bloody swim. he submerges again. robin pulls his head above water. yes! i'll be buggered. robin hood, ya got balls o' solid rock. he hands robin back the medallion. chuckling loudly, he swoops robin up in his arms and carries him to the bank.