it is alright, duncan. you are kenneth of cowfall? the peasant falls to his knees. who has taken her? that may be too late. kenneth, lead the way. he kicks his horse into motion. good will overcome, duncan. trust in that. duncan looks up. crosses himself. dark clouds race across the moon. cut to: onward then. what is this place? steady, man. they are to dissuade the faint of heart. think of gwen. from the crest of the rise, they peer down into the craggy valley. a cave opening, ablaze with flames leers at them like the mouth of hell. before the cave, a circle of stones. a miniature stonehenge. a medieval orgy. men and women in masks and loose robes. dancing. drinking. reveling. pure carnality. lord locksley and kenneth watch in horror. faces ashen. i trusted we were rid of such evil a century ago. if it is, i have some christian steel that will test his hide. he draws his sword. a crucifix sculpted into the hilt. a girl is dragged from the cave. kenneth buries his head. gwen? kenneth nods. the demon shrieks, dervishing around gwen, who is carried onto the central plinth stone. a pagan altar, the shape of an elephant's head with its trunk raised. a masked figure stands at the head of the altar. the high priest of the dark rite. the girl's body shudders as blood-red liquid is forced down her throat. the demon's voice is husky and hideous. gwen! up, girl, up! gwen shakes off her trance. the demon launches itself at locksley. talons rip flesh from his face. with all his strength, locksley hurls the creature down. in the name of god! his broadsword swings in a mighty arc. slices across the gargoyle's skull. clean through half the face. impossibly, the demon rolls back to its feet. nottingham! the sheriff of nottingham. powerful build, black beard, cruel intensity in every feature. the king shall hear of this, nottingham. never. the crone spits venom in his face. why have you betrayed me? why? before he pulls the rope, the executioner peels back his hood. it is robin. gloating, he hauls on the rope. his laughter blends with that of mortianna in a hideous cacophony. dissolve to: