i trust lord locksley has recovered from his indisposition. aslan laughs. robin glares. why would he wish me to be protected by the boy who burned my hair when i was a child? how do i know you didn't abandon him there to save your own skin. robin hands her peter's ring. she is shocked. i will forward your condolences to my mother. she turns her back. he searches for a way to reach her. the people fear the druids so much they'd believe anything. nottingham would have me burned at the stake as a witch if he thought he could possess my property. i will not retreat. besides, i have no interest in life at court. gossip-mongering and currying favor. here i am my own person. i do not need a guardian. she turns to face him. streaming tears. my brother is dead. you cannot take his place. robin grabs and holds her. what do you want? their eyes meet. a sudden intimacy between them. robin moves closer. marian begins to respond, then pulls away. this is wrong. she runs back to the house. robin stares after her. aslan appears in the doorway with duncan. soldiers coming here? is this your protection? i can take care of myself. there are horses in the stable. go! aslan runs into the stables. stop them! they're stealing my horses! they're thieves, you imbecile. bring back my horses, or the sheriff will know of your cowardice. gisborne knows she is lying. kiss this! try me again, if you want to leave a hand behind. shocked and pained, the man gallops away. marian looks down at her dagger hand. it shakes violently. cut to: this is dangerous. no, for mine. i do not wish to be seen with an outlaw. he's put a price on your head. a hundred gold pieces. for ten thousand i would turn you in myself. nottingham is mounting an army. he has rounded up every blacksmith in the county. he has them holed up in the castle making swords and armor. i don't know, but there's no limit to the man's ambitions. go! robin! do something for me. take a bath. yes. a most disagreeable experience. i would like to see that, my lord. the sheriff places his hand possessively on her shoulder. i thank you, lord nottingham, from the heart, but for now i prefer to stay in my family's ancestral home. my cousin, king richard, will be deeply moved to hear of your concern for my welfare. fear not, my dear sheriff. he will return. when he does, he will wish to reward his faithful subjects. the sheriff smiles sourly and takes his leave. marian deflates with relief. the sheriff walks alone towards a side door. please excuse my clumsiness. robin charges for the city gate. as he passes, he kicks the guard who hasseled him into the wall. how dare you! you send men to drag me from my home in the middle of the night, like some slave girl? is this the way the famous robin hood treats a lady? i demand an explanation right now! i will decide when my propriety is compromised. how dare you expose yourself to me?! she slugs him. robin stumbles backwards into the water. bull grins, gesturing to sarah and pointing to his own black eye. this better be damned important. robin leads her into a hut. inside is a trove of cap- tured loot -- purses, jewelry, weaponry, fancy coats and. the treasure chest. at robin's nod, bull throws back the lid. marian is speechless. do you think he's going to let you get away with all this? the man is without mercy. he will annihilate you. you're taking a stand with the lives of these people. these young ones. a beat. she checks the faces. her eyes meet robin's. is there a hint of concern for him also? what do you want from me? nottingham would not dare challenge the king. now you want me to participate in your folly? a little girl approaches, holding a bouquet of wild flowers. touched, marian kneels to accept the offering. cut to: duncan, you are most welcome. taking the lead rein from duncan's horse, she rides away. i'll think about it. it is a personal matter, my lord, but one of vital importance. you will travel to france immediately. you must give this directly into the hands of the king, and him alone. the courier bows in acknowledgement. marian indicates sarah. my lady-in-waiting will accompany you. surprised, the courier glances at the bishop. i appreciate your concern, my lord, but sarah is an accomplished rider. i must insist that she goes along. who is there? duncan! off, nicodemus. go find mice. she sighs with relief. is grabbed from behind. a masked soldier. you are still overmatched, soldier. she drops the sword. he hurls her against the table. lays his blade against her chest. is there something you need, gentlemen? i remember no masked ball on my calendar. cut to: death is not to be feared, robin. embrace it. her laugh echoes around the cave, as if hundreds of lost souls are laughing with her. robin crawls away, cover- ing his ears. marian lifts his face to hers. drink this. weakly, robin tries to push away the cup. her hand grips his chin, forcing his mouth open. drink. look at me. listen to me. you belong to me. your soul is mine. you will obey my every word. do you understand? her face is inches from his. he tries to pull away, his subconscious sounding alarms. because you love me. say it. you love me. say it! kiss me. he gives himself to her. their lips meet. something changes in his vision. her eyes glow red. her face starts to shrivel -- he is kissing the wrinkled lips of mortianna. he pulls away. strong arms grab him. he shakes his head, trying to make sense. through his blurred vision, we see he is surrounded by masked men. kiss me, robin. the noose tightens on her neck. as she dies, her face shrivels into the cackling features of mortianna. i will never marry you. mortianna emerges from a dark corner, bearing the goblet she used at the druid ceremony. get away from me, you disgusting hag. i will not. augh! let me go! who are you? robin? oh god, is that you? she stumbles out of the fountain. and storms at him, pounding her fists on his chest. how dare you?! robin grins at the crowd.