change the seat of power. change it. ally with royal blood. that is not revealed. the idea takes shape in nottingham's mind. mounting intensity. armies. yours. men and weaponry in great numgers. much blood will be spilled. who have you seen?! she shakes him. screams spittle in his face. you lie! a man. a painted man. i have seen my death. she whimpers. spins, as if fearing invisible intruders. the painted man. he haunts my dreams. kill them! kill them! she throws herself at nottingham for protection. he caresses her. gisborne is thunderstruck. and the painted man! kill him. she is with friends. your resistence is strong, but useless. sign this. you are a druid like your father. you consort with the devil. your confession will be witnessed by the bishop of hereford. a guard forces robin's hand across the page. then cries out, clutching his back. an arrow lodged be- tween his shoulders. in the cave mouth are wulf, bow in hand, bull kneeling beside sarah's corpse, and aslan. the painted man! aslan's war cry richochets off the cave walls. a curved scimitar in one hand, a straight english sword in the other, his arms are lethal windmills. the masked guards are cut down left and right. mortianna retreats, scurry- ing into the depths of the cave. hold her! marian struggles against her bonds. the union. the blood of the lion and the house of nottingham. new faith. new power. new souls. she stares at nottingham, her red eyes demented. if there is no union, there will be darkness, despair, death. ours! the blood does not lie. i have told you what i know. without me, you are nothing. you are straw, a fleabite, a speck. laugh, fool. i birthed you from this body. i stole a babe in this very castle, and killed it so that you might rise in its place. you are my son. together we are strong. now is not the time to doubt. now is the time to believe, to be bold. the bold will prevail. face them, or face me. agh. the painted one! nottingham glances over. a split-second opportunity!. robin lashes out. kicks the sheriff in the gut, chops down his sword hand. his father's sword clatters to the floor. whirling swords in each hand, aslan attacks the other men. robin pile-drives nottingham into the wall.