you are an unwelcome surprise, locksley. i think not. locksley is surrounded. one by one the men reveal their faces. locksley backs up in shock, recognizing them. one day all england will worship with us. who bade you cover up? he smashes his fist into his chair. she timidly uncovers. cousin, i trust you justify your intrusion with news of profound value. his attention is riveted on a dark niche in the corner of the courtyard. unearthly sounds emanate from the black- ness. his name? ha! the prodigal son returns. he is a whelp. this girl could best him. your men were probably drunk. yet you survived, cousin? heavy scorn. the sheriff pats gisborne's hand like a child's. the voice from the darkness becomes a loud chant. a wrinkled, monkey-like figure dances into view, wearing a necklace of human fingers. you might think she was a hundred years old, if not for her incredible agility. mortianna. quiet! the crone's fingers dart into a bag. emerge with a writhing, squealing mass. a piglet. a knife flashes. blood spurts into an ornate, sacred platter. the girl flinches in horror. mortianna shakes the con- tents of a pouch across the bloody dish. carved bone dice -- runes. she rattles the platter. the rune symbols dance in trails of blood. eyes vacant, mouth frothing, she hisses out her incoherent visions. nottingham follows her every move. a connoisseur. what do you see? london? move the capitol to nottingham? excellent. how? put someone on the throne and rule through him? who? ally with royal blood. what else do you see? whose? and victory? whose? what is wrong? cousin. prove to locksley that your survival was his last mistake. kill them both. he continues to stroke her. her trembling subsides. you have done well, mortianna. exceedingly well. no one shall harm you, i swear it. mortianna reaches out bloodied fingers towards the young girl, who shrinks away. nottingham gently takes the girl's hand. now, my child, mortianna's kisses will seem soft, like an angel's. take her. you have earned her. mortianna grabs the terrified girl's wrist. drags her away. fear not for my sanity, guy. for in madness, there is great power. you shine like the sun, my lady. he raises her hand, as he did the girl's in the castle. kisses it. you have been meeting with young robin of locksley. my cousin tells me the knave deprived you of some horses. i deeply regret it, and i promise you he will be brought to justice. for subjecting you to such treatment, i will hang him from the walls with his own entrails. that gleam of insanity. robin watches from a distance. my dear, a woman of your refinement is not safe living alone. if you would consent to bring your household within the city walls, i could give your needs my most personal attention. alas, the king has many enemies both abroad and at home. i fear for his safe return. if you kill me, you will hang. what do you want? i'm listening. why should i? empty words. never, fool. starve them out. slaughter their livestock. i want to see locksley's own people fighting each other to bring him to us. spanish steel, cousin. so much stronger than our native blades. any losses? yet again you are the sole survivor, cousin? interesting. and the gold? robin hood? robin hood. he places a hand reassuringly on his cousin's shoulder. cousin, we must be strong. we cannot allow this outlaw to make fools of us. without warning, he drives the blade into gisborne's belly. and i cannot allow a lieutenant to fail me. it is indeed fine steel. how can we control all england if we cannot control our own county? the people are turning him into a hero. then we will be more cunning. i must be rid of him. we may not be able to intercept his next warning to the king. sounds of commotion outside. the door swings open. framed in the doorway is a colossus in black armor. his helmet is the head of a dragon. he slowly raises the visor. deep tribal scars on his cheeks. implacable ferocity in his eyes. welcome, sir. we were discussing how to rid ourselves of those very men. the outlaws who band with robin hood. this rat hood has hidden out in the forest. he resists all our assaults with traps and devices, while he robs us blind. we must bring him out and destroy him. the rat has scurried into the shelter of the model trees. the chieftain watches impassively, then calmly touches the log to the model. the trees ignite. the rat squeals in terror and runs. the chieftain cuts off its escape, setting fire to more trees. again. and again. the sheriff watches the flames, fascinated. dissolve to: i want prisoners. the chieftain does not turn his head. nevertheless, i need prisoners. with only a short flick of his head, the chieftain spits. nottingham waves his arm, signalling his own foot sol- diers to advance. the chieftain raises his sword. instantly a tumultuous chilling roar from his warriors. they charge forward. would you prefer pain or death? torture him. the man is dragged away by guards. the next prisoner -- and you? pain or death? torture him. you see, it makes no difference. you will all be tortured. you will all tell me all you know about robin hood, and then you will all be hanged. then we will catch your beloved robin hood and do the same to him. why would i need you? and you can succeed? if you fail, i will personally cut out your lying tongue. he withdraws the blade. will tries to smile. his friends will. . torture him! he turns back to will. a smile of mock apology. it will look better. how is my bride? marian smiles as he leans toward her. and spits in his face. ah. you are overwhelmed with happiness. he slowly wipes off the spittle. and slaps her hard. when we are married, thirty of the northern barons will pledge me their support as king. as you predicted. mortianna squats on the floor besides a platter of blood. clasps the dice-like runes. what do you see in the portents? mortianna rocks on her heels, clutching her taloned hands to her sides. she chants, fingering the bloody stones. di not give me riddles, woman. we are to be married within hours. how can we be in danger? tell me how it will result. confound you, crone. without my protection, the people would hunt you down, rip out your black heart and burn it. ah, the turncoat. did you succeed? stretch his neck with the others. hands yank will to his feet. dazed, he tries to speak. disinterested, nottingham turns away, until he catches. locksley, here? where ? will struggles to get free of his holders. release him!. now, where is he? we will find him. put hood in my hands, you go free. damn your worthless hide! just tell me where he is. you'll get your reward. where is he? cut to: step down, friar. this man claims you have outlaws concealed in these barrels. among them the cursed robin hood. tuck glares at will with unconcealed hatred. break one open! here's another message to robin hood, written in your blood. he drives his sword repeatedly, insanely, into will's belly. lower the portcullis! now! a guard winds down the giant gate. nottingham hurls him aside. too slow, fool! he hacks at the ropes. the gate slices down like a guillotine, pinning soldiers and peasants alike. seal the entrance. guard it with your lives. . bring the bishop to my chapel. come! it is time for the union. the guards roughly haul marian to her feet. she is oblivious. marry us. when i am declared king, that rabble will not dare go against us. no companions? no army? you rush to your death for the sake of a woman. lust has turned you into a fool. recognize this, locksley? he raises his sword to reveal its handle. a crucifix sculpted into the hilt. robin's father's sword. appropriate i should use it to kill you with, don't you think? he lunges. a savage, accomplished swordsman, with fire in his eyes. exhausted, robin is driven back, parrying desperately. you should have stayed away, locksley. fools like you never learn. a blow slices robin's arm. his sword flies from his grasp. nottingham gloats. two of his men scramble back to their feet. robin is beat. a war cry! aslan, followed by tuck. what can your puny god do for you now? the blade comes whirring down. clang! it's blocked. robin has the altar's crucifix in his hand. he swings it again, slamming nottingham across the temple. the sheriff hits the floor. robin grabs his father's sword. raises it two-fisted. nottingham tries to squirm away.