the king's own. set me free. for pity's sake. mine is a sentence of death. robin sidesteps, propelling a guard into a pit. free me and i will show you a way out. if you don't, you are dead men. this way! he beckons them to the back. a hidden door leads into a tunnel. you are fast, my friend. you will need to be yet faster. a narrow opening to their left. they splash through. half running, half crawling in the dank water. fire arrows land around them. the orange smoke is choking. poison air. hold your breath. flames illuminate the walls, alive with a loathsome mass of crawling slime. peter falls. a pursuer descends on him, thrusting a blazing torch at his face. the saracen intercepts the blow. grabs the man's neck, snapping it with one mighty twist. save your breath. allah be praised. his wound is by the heart. we cannot save him. robin knows it's true. peter pulls an insignia ring from a hidden pouch in his clothes. thrusts it into robin's hand. come now! do not fail your friend. make his sacrifice an act of honor. they vanish into the night. fighting like a man pos- sessed, peter is swallowed in a sea of enemy soldiers. our way is together. with the speed of allah. he grins. this strange man has a sense of humor. then i go to england. you saved my life. i must stay with you until i save yours. only allah can do that. you have no choice. unless you think you can kill me. he grins broadly. offers his hand. my name is aslan. resigned, robin takes the proferred hand.