he's not here, sir. none but the woman and children. a kiss for me, saxon bitch. it's not the men we fear, sir. eerie howling and rattling of bones. aslan draws his sword. you've heard of robin hood? then pray he is brought to us before winter. we meet again. he reveals a large scar on his wrist -- removes his mask -- the man who attacked her earlier. he prods her with his sword. drop your blade. you owe me favors, wench. bare your breasts. or i will do it for you. resignedly, she raises a hand to loosen the string on her dress. with the other hand she reaches behind her, grabs a pepper bowl. flips the contents into his face. screaming, he grabs his face. she reaches for her dagger. he slashes with his sword. she backs to the fireplace, grabs a spit of roasted chickens. drives the point clean through his chest. he stares in shock at his own blood pouring from the cooked fowls pinned to his breast. footsteps. masked soldiers converge from both sides of the house, dragging the servants. duncan is shoved through the door.