ring around the rosie! atishoo, atishoo. we all fall down. beg for mercy, rich man. we waste time. tax him. for passage through sherwood. a man who travels with two servants and claims he's without money, is either a fool or a liar. grabbing robin, little shakes him like a doll. something clinks. robin's father's medallion. laughing heartily, little rips it from robin's neck and tosses it to scarlet. and this one is a liar. ahah! gold! the men cheer. john snatches the medallion back from will. you must be robin of locksley. the blackguard who abandoned us to nottingham's plundering. oh dear! the little rich boy is lost for words. thanks for the taxes, locksley. if he's in a hurry to end his mortal misery, help him. don't fool with him. get him! ha! i would never be led by the son of a druid. count me not a friend, locksley. you brought this misery on us, locksley. we can barely feed ourselves. brave talk, locksley. i say we take the rich boy in. murmurs of general agreement. he will give us the reward, and our pardons. unarmed? dead, locksley. cut to: it's burning for miles, john. it's hotter than hades, and them damn screens ain't worth nothing. two woodsmen, blinded and choking, stumble into one of their own camouflaged pits. hideous screams as they're impaled on hidden stakes. john tries to gather the able- bodied men to his side. where's that damn locksley? i'll swear he betrayed us. celts? where? what are we gonna do, john? i will kill him for you. all your attempts to kill him have failed. your army failed. your celtic mercenaries failed. nottingham places his sword point against will's throat. i am one of his men. he would never suspect me. he is a trusting fool. he will believe me. if he doesn't, he will kill me and you have lost nothing. nottingham slides his blade between will's teeth. and if i succeed? i was. i promised to kill you. y. e. i bring a message from nottingham. our men are to be hung in the square on saturday. at high noon. the boy, too. ten men in all. fanny drops her head on john's shoulder. their deaths are a warning. anyone who associates with the outlaw hood is to suffer the same fate. man, woman, or child. even anyone who so much as utters his name. the hangings are to be part of the celebration for the sheriff's marriage. lady marian. not straightway, of course. that depends on you, locksley. i've never trusted you, that's no secret. what i wanna know is, are you gonna finish what you started? will ya stay and keep us fightin' till every man jack of us is dead? or will you run like the spoiled little rich boy i always took you for? if you run, i will kill you. sheriff! my lord sheriff! i have word for you! of robin hood! nottingham shouts to one of his mounted guards, who rides over, grabs will by the collar, and drags him to his side. i found his lair, but alas he still lives. the sheriff strikes down with his armored hand. will crumples. he. he. is here! call off your dogs. i want your word, in front of these witnesses. if i tell you, i will go free. he is concealed. he is going to free the prisoners and stop the wedding. nottingham's jaw tightens. eyes the prisoners, the scaffold. with the reward. ten thousand crowns. the reward! the parade of prisoners reaches them. seeing will, wulf charges at him, screaming in blind rage. soldiers grab wulf. throw him down, kicking and beating. voices in the crowd plead to let him be. someone tries to intervene, gets hurled down. try another. there are many barrels, only a few outlaws. a drum roll. the sheriff's attention turns to the scaffold, where the first victim is escorted up the steps -- wulf. tense, tuck pulls a tinder box from his robes, strikes a flame. pain or death, you butcher? the sheriff's men drag will off before he can choke him. raging, nottingham climbs to his feet. will is held by four men. it's over, fool. you can kill my body, but you cannot kill our spirit. he finally drops. nottingham heads for the castle. robin attempts to follow. he swings from the noose, using the rope to vault over the surrounding soldiers. as he lands, he is waylaid by one of the barons and his men.