like a wolf protects sheep. my mother lies to protect me. wait, father! i know him. be careful, father. he fights like a demon. he walloped six o' sheriff's men? i wanna thankee, lord locksley. i owes ya m'life. will is ruthless, robin. guard your back. father! come quick. mother's dying. i promise. aslan stumbles at the edge of a deep crevasse. far be- low he sees mortianna, clambering down the steep rock. for a second their eyes meet. she hisses -- venom, hatred, fear -- then is gone. will, no! nottingham strides up to will, drawing his sword. he knows you always hated him, traitor. if it be your biddin' that this be my last night o' life, lord, gimme the pluck to die proud. an' look 'ee kindly on my folks an' the young 'uns. the light in the cell melts to total darkness. sorry, father. couldn't help myself.