general hummel: captains frye and darrow. would the general like a recitation of our service records? profit is not my motive, sir. i am here to redress a wrong. just a matter of time, buddy. the pentagonlll cave and we'll be headin, south of the border a million dollars richer. you heard him. end it. we have two operational rockets left, general. one on the lower lighthouse, one on the rooftop, ready for fire. general. general hummel, noon is approaching. they are not going to call general. you didn't ever what? you didn't ever what, general? general, forty-eight hours ago i was in a cushy job at pendleton. as of this moment i am subject to prosecution for treason and murder. do you know what that means. it means the electric chair. for all of us. aye aye general: coordinates 675 dash awaiting launch command. i don't believe it. he pulled the plug. you're gutless. i knew it. i'm in. crisp, darrow, come in. cox, mccoy, get your asses up here! give me the guidance chip. you're comin, with me.