a precision night drop is out due to the full moon. likewise on a frontal, seaside attack: at the first shot, hummel might launch. my second in command is working on an attack from within the prison. the idea is to penetrate the tunnels under the prison, undetected, emerge in its center, and jump the marines from behind - take their rocket positions without a shot fired. but i need better intelligence. they're useless. alcatraz was originally a civil war fort. it's been ripped up and rebuilt for years. under there is a maze of shit, excuse my language. what i need is personal, firsthand intelligence on the island's tunnels. okay, one more time: down this second fork fifty-seven paces to a septic chamber. turn left at the water pump, then forty-two paces to the prison showers . that's not what you said three minutes ago. excuse me. womack. i ask for someone with knowledge of the island's tunnels. you give me a fuckin, convict who wants to play "twenty questions." then he's keeping it to himself. he's fucking with me and i don't have the time. out of the question. he'll endanger the mission - he'll endanger my men. he's a security risk. who says he won't bolt as soon as we turn our backs on him? the goal is to take out the launchers and neutralize the v.x.chem rounds, goodspeed. tell us what you know. have you ever actually seen one of these devices? that's great, goodspeed. you're in the bureau, so you've had weapons training. so you've never been in a combat situation. won't be necessary. i know they are, goodspeed. that's why you're going with us. get him some gear. listen up, men. mr. mason here will run point for us. lieutenant shepherd will be attached to your hip, mason. you breath, he breathes with you. understand? shep, what's the status on the special operational gear for mason. goodspeed here's our specialist. we will cover him while he neutralizes the' chemical threat. if he does his job we'll launch flares and hold our position 'till the cavalry comes. make no mistake about it, gentlemen, we are going in against an entrenched force led by one hot-shit field commander. we are in the fight of our lives, i bullshit you not. any questions? let's move out. activate mini-cams. you know what you're doing? prepare to deplore! thank-you very fucking much, mr. mason, you've led us to a room with no exit. no time for the torch. explosives'll bring the fucking world down on us. an idea, please, we're tight on time. you do not look like jesus christ, mr. mason, so i'm having a hard time how you're going to accomplish that. you are shitting me. you catch one of those steam bursts and you're a corpse. you're not required to follow, lieutenant shepherd. this man is going to die. shit. burn it. who is this guy. ? the shower room? after you. motion sensor. stand fast. we'll secure the area. anderson here, general hummel. commander. team leader. sir, we know why you're out here. god knows i agree with you sir, but like you sir, i swore to defend this country against all enemies. foreign, sir, and domestic. general, we've spilled the same blood in the same mud. you know goddamn well that i cannot give that order. you men following the general: you are united states marines and under oath you forgotten that? we all have shipmates we remember - some of 'em were shit on and spit on by the pentagon - that doesn't give you the right to mutiny.