last night hummel and eleven marines, under the guise of a security exercise, walked off with fifteen v.x. rockets. it wasn't discovered until the shift change this morning. here he is in vietnam - i think a major at the time. a legend. during tet he held off a brigade of v.c. single-handedly. saved his whole company. hence the nickname "gunfighter." the "skinny," mr. sinclair, is that the u.s. should have either won the war or gotten the hell out of vietnam and stopped wasting american lives. i happen to share general hummells view. frank, this is albert kramer. they're fine. i'm with general peterson, f.b.i. director womack, chief of staff sinclair, security advisor lindstrom, and c.i.a. director amway. you've got a lot of people worried, frank. can you help us out? continue frank. frank, jesus, this is classified information. what's the potential casualty rate of a single rocket armed with v.x., general peterson? 'course he does. "willy peter," short for "white phosphorous incendiary device," still in its test phase. it detonates at 6,000 degrees, enough to burn up v.x. that explains hummells time frame. he knows we're not operational. what would it take, general? then on to our primary initiative. send in s.e.a.l. team leader anderson. who's your best chemical biological man? you've studied the architectural plans. the former warden? we're having some problems with the account transfer, frank. we've spoken to the president. he's not too happy about this. who's dave ridgeway, frank? general petersen can give us no definite assurance on the willy peter capability. they're going as fast as they can. seven hours ago. get me the president.