in charge of what? fucking me over for another three decades? you know what f.b.i. stands for sanchez? fucking bloody idiots. i don't want to talk to you. do i remember alcatraz. who's "us?" f.b.i.? c.i.a.? why should i do that? timeo danaos et dona ferentes. are you capable of reading, sanchez? the story of alchimadus. know it? thomas a beckett. heard of him? solzhenitsyn. i've a sneaking suspicion you've heard of him. that's a good one, sanchez. what do you call and f.b.i. agent who can't tell a lie? a mute. who the fuck are you, mother theresa? what do you do for the f.b.i., goodspeed. tell me what you really do. you said i'd be a free man. define free i know what the fucking word means, idiot. in this context. during the time i cooperate, will i be outside? outside a jail? you suppose? what's happening on alcatraz, goodspeed? then on one condition: a minimum of two hours in the fairmont hotel - i trust it still exists. i want a shower and a new suit of clothes. one more thing: a shave and a haircut. hello womack. who's carla? and why don't you want her to come to san francisco? you learn that line in cub scouts, goodspeed? you going to stand there and watch? well if it excites-you . shall we do this outside? in the sunshine? whatever's in style. good. thank-you. yes of course. my secretary will take care of you.- see to the good man will you? what say we bury the hatchet, womack. in your head. - drop the gun or i'll drop your boss. whoops . i'm feeling tired . whoops . mason lets womack drop a foot. womack screams! goodspeed drops his gun and grabs the clothesline. mason bolts from the balcony into the suitels library. modern conveniences. cheers. san francisco. jade angelou. that's a. n. g. e. l . is this jade angelou? john mason. don't be shocked. i don't have much time. please listen carefully . jade. hello. yes. it's me. let's uhm. let's walk a ways. a while. i'm here with you, aren't i? i was driving through san francisco. i decided it was time. i tried to explain in my letters. i see. bloody prison censors. maybe this isn't the best time. jade. here sitdown. all will be explained. you must trust me on this. someday very soon, after i get a few things settled, i will come back for you. what i need to know is: do you want me in your life? we are the same blood. where to begin. my name is john paul mason. i'm scottish. i attended dartmouth naval college. my favorite color is green. i like books. i like a good joke. at one time i shot a pretty fair round of golf. i'm in my 60's and i've been in jail half my life. maybe it's better i go. jade - remember what i said. you surprise me, goodspeed. now i'm going to surprise myself: thank-you, you could have handled that differently. hows your jaw? pleased to meet you. no. forty-two paces to the septic chamber. fifty-seven to the showers. it's not? you son-of-fucking-satan. wait just a minute. this little twat's going to deal with the poison? he's gonna get us all fuckin' killed! for cottonmouth. after you, 'lace." yes. little fancier than i'm used to. smile goodspeed. live a little. life is short. especially yours. wait for me to unlock the door. under there. true. i memorized their timing. that's been said to me before . welcome to the rock. guys are worthless. for christ's sake. mason trudges down the tu=el. goodspeed follows him. off this island. you mind? you've got a phone call. if you really mean it, take the safety off. save your breath and your dignity, if you have any. i am leaving. i am getting my daughter and getting the hell out of here. hold your breath. come on. and keep your mouth shut. came out right through there. 'course i've gained a few since . across that, then 50 yards to the morgue. you said that's where the fucking poison is, goodspeed. no. i'm going to give you dancing lessons. what the fuck do you think? what's bent out of shape, idiot, is the tunnel i was going through to freedom five minutes ago. stop. there. and there. cottonmouth snakes. they breath through their skin. oil clogs it. they hate the stuff. sprays the motor oil across the pool. the snakes scatter. the pool's now coated with an oil slick. mason wades in. goodspeed follows. never hesitate. no, and i used to be a lot quicker. what. exactly does this do to you? sounds like my first marriage. c'mon c'mon. faster . i thought you were cool under pressure. they'll be on us in twenty seconds. brake! ! ! limp dick? i think i've got arthritis. wrong. i'm not the chemical weapons expert. now they only have three rockets left. hummel's a soldier, not a murderer. find the rockets. if they're guarded, kill the men guarding them. there's only one way to find out. i'll try to give you time. and goodspeed. don't be an idiot. put that on. john paul mason. royal navy. commander. i feel strangely at home. you wouldn't believe me if i told you. quite unique. i was a guest here. i'm not threatening the lives of a million innocent people. you are. i threw them in the bay. would you have shot him7 bright men also obey the law. "wherever law ends, terror begins." john locke. article 7, american constitution? "treason against the united states shall consist of. 11 above you. literally and figuratively. is braiding the strips into a long rope. the rope is quite finely constructed. mason's been at this several hours. you referring to your intellect, goodspeed? or another portion of your anatomy . five feet by seven. try living in one for a year. what happened? surprise, surprise. an f.b.i. man asking me for a break. how droll. let's say our countries had a little dispute. they both knowingly shafted me. familiar with the name hoover, goodspeed? i don't mean a vacuum cleaner . some trade. they'd get the microfilm and i'd get a bullet in the head. what? trade secret, billy, i'll tell you this: it was easier than getting in. fiercely yanks the rope toward him. the heavy rolling caster jerks from the floor. the caster, pulling the rope, flies past mason's cell -- tugs the rope taut like he's just snagged a fish. then he pulls slowly and delicately. smiles. you're on your own, kid. your gear's over there. only one of them i care about. you don't know what kind of man i was. i once swam the english channel, but you're entitled to your,opinion. my god. mason looks up. goodspeed stands above on the embankment. comes back up the embankment. faces goodspeed-with grim resolve: partners. fires through the slit, killing baxter as -- do your job, billy. - i'll try to hold ,em off. blasts away at frye and darrow, allowing goodspeed to sprint for the exit toward the lower lighthouse. dives away as the satchel detonates, imploding the corridor walls, collapsing the,ceiling. mason's engulfed in two tons of-plaster and crumbled cinder block. snakes hate the stuff. womack ripped it up, right? i'm not a fool, billy. goodspeed. you know the etymology of your name? yes. to wish someone a prosperous jouey. and if you turn around i'll tell you a secret.