just couldn't, it's got me,. that's what art does pete, it gets you. you wouldn't understand. because,. you,. are street scum pete. you're in need of an education, that's what you need, but your dad never gave a shit about you did he? and that is why you are on the gear. your gear is your surrogate father. come on pedro, share. i'm your sponsor, doctor,. your dad if you're feeling a bit of regression coming on. but first we should have a drink in our hands. that's got to have done some damage, all those guns and cowboys. now we're getting somewhere. did he interfere with you? you know, touch you inappropriate like? now that's it! that's what i was looking for, you see your dad is a monster pedro, a tickling monster. pedro's dad's a tickling monster! come on boy, i'll have you and ya girlfriends! i'll do the lot of yazz. was i good or what pete? it's all in the eyes. junkies, i'll shit 'em! did your dad do anything else to you pete? what are you doing? i'm not going to tickle you pete, i'm not your dad. i find that profoundly offensive pedro. two's up on a snout to show i care. your dad was jealous. cos you dad isn't sure he's your dad, cos you don't look like him. you have all the facial characteristics of north american native, livapuddlian indian. see your dad thought you were a red indian and bonanza triggered your fathers unconscious feelings. pedro? come back here. where do you think you are going with that painting? you may have a point pete, but i can't give it up. you know why? meet me in the pub in two minutes. now, now no need for that tone bar steward. i am merely on mission to acquire a shot of your finest scotch and a packet of your,. cheapest rolling paper. king size of course - along with a packet of your shiniest coffin nails. put the change in the blind box my good man and remember,. "in the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king" you see that pack of virginia killing sticks at the end of the piano? all you need to know about life is retained within those four walls. you will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur. a "gold" packet of "king" size and with a "regal" insignia. an attractive implication toward glamour and wealth, a subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your "royal" and loyal friends. and that pete,. is a lie. your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion. written in boring, bold, black and white is the statement, that these neat little soldiers of death, are in fact, trying to "kill you." and that pete,. is the truth. beauty is a beguiling call to death and i am addicted to the sweet siren of its pitch. and that,. is why,. you and i love the crack, and that is also why i can not,. give that painting back. now, please pass me a light. what do you think we're doing? we're trying to get in. yes my good man, i am aware of that. oi looky, but no touchy. i'll show em' fuckin happy. i am going to report you, what's your name? oh i'm sorry did that hurt? here let me help you up. what was that about grinding bones? moron,. what do you think your doing? letting creatures in my yard without my consent. pedro i swear this is the last time i'm having you take the piss, next time you're on your own. i am dead pete, what does that tell you? it tells you, that dead people don't like company! now jog 'em on. yes you fucking well will, smelly junkies. meeting adjourned. johnny and pete walk out of the toilet, malcolm and paul are gone. lucky you're not following them. where's the picture pete? sorry, johnny's not home right now, but the pipe is and the pipe says that johnny heard you were getting in trouble boys. why are you talking to a pipe roman? you're madder than i am. but home is where your head is and i don't feel at home in my head. come back johnny! i bet our lenny gave you the "i'm his old man" speech didn't he? i've seen jelly fish with closer dna than that slag. now johnny will come quietly, but you might have a couple of problems with the pipe. come on boys, buy us both a cup of tea. no need for any noise, let pete sleep on. hello archy. show us your guns uncle arch, i told the boys all about it. give us your money boys. archy grabs the gun and hits johnny on the back of the head, not too hard. don't worry boys, nothing to be nervous about, some of my dad's best friends ended up here. hello arch, wrapped up in a carpet just like the old days? what is it today? the rack? the garotte? or is it the old cray fish trap? you're looking a bit down, has that old clown been working you long hours? you always were loyal - no dog like a loyal dog. don't hit me archy, i'm a singer not a fighter. i've just the remedy for you, a story, a johnny story and it's all about you. archy presses a button to call the elevator. they wait. sorry, that's right get into character. look at him boys, scary ain't he? that's what four years inside does to a man, eats his soul and when it's all gone it makes a man quite scary. ever wondered how you got there? ever wondered what grass informed on you? so who we got in there? anyone i know? anyone famous? that's right it's only a job, isn't it? just being loyal, just following orders. i bet you can operate a nice gas shower,. i can see you with a couple of s's on your collar and a stiff goose in your step. that, roman and mickey, is the famous archy slap. i have been magically transported straight back to my childhood. don't turn archy in, he's your friend, he's loyal, just like the dog. shut up boy, don't stick your nose where it don't belong otherwise i'll chop it off. but you can't do it to uncle arch, i love him. needs a little lesson though don't he? left his station hasn't he? a little time inside to remember who the boss is. don't hurt me arch, i'm only little. sidney! nice wheels. sorry about the painting, needed the cash for a little bit of the old "dusty show bizzzzzzzz." so, it's gone now, lost in the world of degenerate and stoned no hopers, never to be seen again by the eye of a clean soul. what can i say,. i'm a junkie, crack head, no gooder, should never have wasted your money on that school. it's a gathering, i love a gathering look, mumbles, one two, handsome bob all the old faces today. it's all going so well apart from archy who's ruining the day. i tried to cheer him up with that story about how you grassed him u,. that wasn't one of your better shots was it now daddy. if you want to shut me up it should have been a bit higher. don't worry just yet fellas, nothing's going to happen while we're standing in the elevator because they don't want to have to drag the three corpses across to the cars that would be hard work. in about two minutes from now, when we're all driving along happily,. danny boy is going to turn around and "pop me" two in the head and one in throat just to make sure. and then, since danny is obviously going to kill you two as well,. mickey, pass me the gun. mickey quickly, pass me that gun in dannys hand. don't worry he can't defend himself he doesn't have a head, quickly now. does this answer the question that you two so frequently asked as to why i sought refuge in the depths and perverse beauty of the crack pipe?