i do move fast and i love bricks and mortar, properties are always the safe bet, but you better know what you're doing 'cos this ain't soft money. you trip up,. and it's not me that's gonna get hurt. you got security? don't let me down boys. come on then, give us your hand. they shake hands and sign the papers. what do you mean you can't get the fuckin planning? there is seven million of my cash in there, without planning it's worth five,. you owe me. i take the building, you lose your share, but i am still outta pocket two large ones. find it. is that you councilor? i hear you got that car you was after,. now, sort the planning out. what's wrong with you arch? same place as me? do i look like an immigrant archy? no one gave me a leg up, did they? they need a bit of fear, 'cos otherwise they're gonna come up against me,. need a little lesson don't they? it's nice to see you uri. first, let me make clear how much we can help you benefit from this deal. with out me, it will take you five to ten years to get the permission to erect your arena. second, with government policy as it so stands we both know it's unlikely that you'd ever get that consent. thirdly, in legal fees, transactions and building consent, you'd be paying 6 to 12 million without any real guarantee of that result. seven million euros. that's right uri, you can consider that done. oh, that's a nice picture uri, hasn't it got, errrh depth? oh i couldn't uri,. i thought you lot drunk vodka. you not joining me uri? oh,. cheers then,. turbo, get us a perrier and a wet wipe live-o. tried to poison me the dirty cossack. stop messing about and give us the bottle turbo. that communism didn't seem to slow 'em down did it? we've hit the big time here archy boy! what's wrong? where's the old archy smile? shut up archy,. no school like the old school,. i still run this town see? that's why he came to me right? got that? johnny story singer extraordinare, fell off a boat, missing, assumed dead. i bet he took a lot of people with him in his hot little crack pipe. we will never mention this again, all right arch? now, tell the councilor to stop fuckin about with sticks and balls and send him inside. they say that times are changing councilor, that this country isn't what it used to be, it's the new new york, they say. you being a political man must know all about that. they say it's all gone "international" now, out with the old guard in with the new, but i think they're wrong. anyway, where are my manners? look at you sweaty as a native and pink as a pelican,. and i haven't even offered you a wet one. oh that's nice,. refreshing, that'll put you back on top boy. here you go, plans and papers. would you like a cigar? eight grand they wanted for it cheeky toads and i paid, you know why? 'cos it's all about the details. oh i wouldn't forget that, the most important things first. i'll leave you with them. i gotta run, can't stay here chewing the fat all day, a mans got to make a living. call me in the 'morrow. look after him jackie. can't be mine, it's got your name on it. archy? you awake? never mind, you are now. i had a horrible dream that the councilor didn't come through, i don't want anything going wrong on this one, that russian's the key to the big time. you think he's all right? you sure? what did jackie say? she did? i knew he'd like the lighter, nice touch eh? she's a good girl that jackie. give her another drink. you're right, he wouldn't have leant me his lucky painting if he didn't mean business. yeah, i had it taken off it's easel and stuck it above my desk, it's looks magnifi. arch! arch! i have been robbed. i said i have been robbed. i don't know when. the painting,. it's gone. the one uri gave me! all right loaned for fucks sake! this isn't good arch, it's his favorite painting, his lucky painting! get round here and bring the troops. let's take a wild stab in the dark shall we bandy? archy slap him and then send him to school 'cos i can't take any more of this. you sort it out, get that picture back and bring me a body, i am going to back to bed. archy, the russian didn't come through with the money. what, all of it? where did they get that from then? just make sure you find it. i gotta another call. it's just a delay, that's all councilor. just a delay. right, i am going to tell you how this works. you're going in the drink and i am going to make a cup of tea. underneath the floor boards is the famous river thames. i hope for your sakes you can hold your breath for as long as it takes to boil that kettle. after that, i am going to ask you a question, one question. you are going to give me a name and if it's the right name, i send you home warm and dry in a fresh set of clothes. if it's the wrong name, you'll be fed to the cray fish,. see ya. hose 'em down danny. get those cray fish off 'em. now, who has that painting? one name. that didn't work did it? how can a dead man sell you a painting? put 'em back arch, before i shoot 'em. don't you dare call him my boy. he won't die that cockroach. that junkie's seen more funerals than a fuckin undertaker,. that boy is poison. the next world war will have his name written all over it. get me those two flash idiots that used to manage him, what are they called, greek and mini? if anyone can find that smoking crack pipe, it's them. listen to me boy, listen. i never did like you and neither did your real father. you're a reject, a wrong-un, a fuckin fairy in the mirror that i inherited from your mother, but she ain't with us no more, so now it's just you and me. in one week you go back to school, the best fuckin school in the country i might add, then you'll be gone for another term. in the mean time, show me some gratitude and keep the fuckin music down. sorry to intrude. they call this a lichee don't they? tasty exotic, bit like your suit. don't you have an act called story time? and isn't there a lead singer called johnny story? well, i would like to see mr johnny story. and i shed a tear. i shed it for all those bone tops that read the papers and believe that shit. have you seen his body? have you seen him smacked up and cracked up with his tongue on his chin and his cock in his hand, swinging from the rafters, like a real rock 'n' rolla? no, you didn't did you? and nobody else fuckin did either, did they 'cos he ain't dead. he's alive-alive- o somewhere selling cockles and mussels,. and a very important painting that doesn't belong to him. you have twelve licenses within a jurisdiction which i control. you wanna play on, do what i tell you. now, i can tell what you're thinking. what do you think we are, gangsters? that's not my style and especially not with genetics and all,. bloods thicker than poison moon beam, now do us all a favor, before you catch a cold. well thank you uri, that's a real compliment from a man that obviously takes good care of himself. i assume you want to check that everything is still "kosher" at my end. i was a little surprised you didn't come through at the appropriate time, but i reckon you have your reasons. silence. don't you worry uri, that one's on me,. partners and all that, but i wouldn't like it to go south again, makes things difficult, if you know what i mean? shut up arch! no it's fuckin not all right, he want's his painting, his lucky painting. you should have seen his eyes i swore they changed color, went fuckin red they did. you speak to me like that again and i'll cut your fuckin tongue out. i run this town, got that, me! anybody who thinks he's rude enough, let 'em raise a finger, 'cos i'll take off his whole fuckin arm. do you understand that archy? i said do you? i will have that painting with you in a couple of days uri. it got locked up with some other goods of mine, i wanted to keep it safe, but archy lost the key to the lock. didn't you arch? now, i'm not being funny uri, but i have a payment to make. so if there is any chance that i could get the money. something wrong with these immigrants arch, i don't fuckin trust 'em. we're being set up, don't know how, but something's wrong, i can smell it with my sniffer. i thought he was made of fuckin money, not too happy about flashing it around here though is he? arch i don't care if he's fuckin busy, if we call, he answers, that's the deal. there he is,. councilor,. councilor! something wrong with your telephone? steady, councilor steady,. i go wherever i fuckin want. this is my town, not yours no matter what you and your pen pushing immigrant boy scouts might think. now, what's going on? don't give me that shit. i can look out my window and there's twenty kinds of buildings this city said they'd never build, how did that happen eh? fuckin termites got together and had a house building party did they? no sunshine, back handers put them up, back handers just like mine. don't you swear at me you yellow puddle of immigrants piss or i'll fuckin drown you in it. feel that do you councilor? you think i don't have a paper trail for all the gifts, the cars, holidays, tennis courts and swimming pools? i own these bollocks and they're more fragile than a pair of quails eggs. now get it done! and next time blue bollocks, remember who the daddy is! i'll have that painting in a couple of days uri, trust me on that. can't beat the great outdoors can you uri? i can't understand it, not a soul out here. oh that's good, i love a clear fair way, that's a bitta me that uri. nothing worse than being jogged on by blind tourists swinging a stick on a sunday. excuse me? are you trying to say something uri? i think you forget who you are speaking to you insolent bastard. you forget where you are you fuckin immigrant. this is my land, my fuckin show, i run this tow,. yes,. yes. yes, yes, i understand. give me the water, aaaaaahhhhh,. broke my legs in four places archy, did you hear that? the bastard's made me limp for the rest of my days. i need that picture archy, i need it bad. what? what? i ain't playing fuckin games here arch look at me, who? bring 'em to the warehouse and don't hurt 'em until i've spoken to 'em, all right? come here bandy. you been drinking again? think before you drink and before you drive me mad bandy. tell me, what are you boy if you are not poison? look what you've left behind you. your dad couldn't even bear the sight ya, no wonder he fucked off and left me to pick up the pieces, but that wasn't enough for you was it? no, had to drive your mum into a bottle of pills and house full of nutters. all she got then was a hot bath a ice cold razor, why? cos your poison johnny, that's why. archy get him out of here. danny come here, i want him taken care of, you hear? now get him out. you don't know how much trouble you have caused me so please understand that i will kill you very slowly if you do not tell me where my money is. let me have a look first. what does it say? hurry,. give us that here. no, i am being set up.