good afternoon gentlemen. excuse me my love, any chance of a wee dram of water to oil the larynx? ok gentlemen here we go. first, my colleague paul will be modeling the grey wolf. i must apologize for my assistants handicaps. he has unusually long arms and an alarmingly small neck. now, i do agree it doesn't seem like the right time to acquire a coat of such thermal efficiency. however, i have been informed that we are looking at a very white winter. plus gentlemen and fine lady,. christmas is always round the corner. he downs the water without it touching the sides. all in good time gentlemen, all in good time. paul, why don't you sit down for a while. next, we have a very much sought after affair seen in very, very glossy magazines,. the famous, but rare black bear from the dark mountains of siberian calcutta. get an eye full of that stripe gentlemen. and all of this could be yours for a staggeringly low,. come on paul, we'll be going now. like the drink and the beatles. i am malcolm and this is my friend and colleague paul, you know like the saint. paul doesn't say much, he's too busy thinking. come on, we know you john, we're big fans, you're what they call a real rocknrolla. leave us be johnny, we're nice people. peaceful people. this is a demonstration of peace. paul, please exhibit to the audience the fine artifact. now, now young paul rest your weary legs. gentlemen,. we are entering the realm of the ancient art form of paint on canvas,. one moment sir, there's a pitch that comes with this painting,. it's a very rare and expensive painting sir. good afternoon gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. i can hardly wait till the next time.