we need to see a lawyer. we need help. dog number one,. he can't get the planing. we gotta sell. just gotta start again,. mumbles, can i have a word? you know the lady, the posh one who likes abitta the rough life? says she's got some work, you know,. proper work. i would normally turn her down, but considering,. i got one like that at home with a little boy fishing. well, don't they call that art where you come from? go on. anything else? ok, very good mrs. dexter, a black eye it is then. nice shoes. you could do with some of this yourself mumbles, you're letting yourself go. anyway, i'm busy, have you come to talk about anything important? no mumbles, i am trying to run away from you. bob, you sorted out the car? bob wouldn't know where to begin. i've had enough of this, can you two piss off cos i am trying to find my "zone" yup, load up boys and pay attention. hello lads. put the bags in the car and walk away. oi, come back here. where's reverse? right, now fuck off. shit,. i have got to hurt him. oi come back here. shit, i can't do it. she asked me to give him a black eye. is handsome bob behind? i know a man that'll copy that for you. might take him a couple of minutes mind. here's one for you too mrs dexter. would have liked to obliged, but from a professional point of view, it just wasn't natural,. until next time then. she's not for you bob, that is class. archy, i got lenny's bitta scratch. yeah and it's burning a hole in the floor, so you better come and get it before it melts my boots. is that archy? thank you. shut up and tell us the price. what, can't you smell it? and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. come on bob, cheer up. but that's tomorrow night, tonight its take off time, we've prepared a little going away party. i got "the harris twins" the most expensive escort girls to have ever escorted. they've got a night off from the russians and they've all been greased down just for the bobski! it's going to take you two and a half years just to recover from this little party. that cheered you up then? it's just what? i understand anything coming from you bobby boy. you're me best mate. you dirty bastard! i know all your girlfriends all of 'em! understand what? that you're a homa? you're handsome bob for gods sake, handsome bob the lady killer! that is you bob, do you hear me? god, i have had showers with you, you've seen my cock! fuckin right you should have kept your mouth shut, should have drowned the cat instead of letting it out the bag. all right bob, i am sorry. i went over the top, it was just a surprise that's all. bit of a broad side bob, do you hear me, i am sorry,. well what is it you want to do with me? what are you trying to say fred? you wanna have it out now? five years, you were supposed to get five fucking years! how did you get this number? one point for initiative, two to tell me what's on your mind. let me see what i can do. so bob got off, big fucking deal. i have a little bit of work for you cookie we have a party to go to. i think that's your cue cookie. cookie takes his cue. what the fuck are you doing here? yes i do fuckin mind. now listen bob, what happened last night is our little secret all right and it was only cos you were supposed to be doing your time, right? you tell anybody and i swear to god,. i swear to god. well fuck it bob, i think you understand. let me tell you something hard case, if you start any trouble around her,. large one,. dance? am i a dancer? shall we put the record straight? you see it's all in the genes. my dad was a dancer and his dad before that so gradually it's percolated the old dna. you not joining me? hello, i can sense a little competition. so what you got for me? oh yea? don't throw my rhythm. what about security? we got another job on, same as before. what are you talking about? i gotta get a breath of fresh air. i don't want to use bob. i think there might be something about bob you don't know mumbles. what? eh? how did you know? what are you talking about, i am losing orientation here mumbles. yes, he fuckin did. hold on a minute, you won't tell the chaps what? stop right fuckin there! what is going on here? does that mean you've sucked his,. hold on! i am not fucking gay! he wanted a dance that's all! a dance, yes, i did. what has he done to me? what, there's more? he looked after my mum, how come he never told me? the bastard's still kicking. mace him, mace him! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, not me you idiot, the guerrilla! shoot him, shoot him, the bastards going to eat me! mumbles pulls out a revolver, sticks it in the window and fires it into chechnyan 2's leg. this just aggravates the in his arms! arhhhhhhhhhhh. that's my fuckin arm! give me a hand, you've blinded me! major confusion is setting in. they run back to their car, which is still running, mumbles shoves one two into the back and jumps in the drivers seat. go, go, go, go!!!!!! give me the gun. shit, what are these two made out of? i can hardly see, where are we? who's got the cases? shoot him mumbles or we won't get out of this! stop or i'll shoot! i mean it, get down,. get down! where's bob? run! run for your lives. that is a rhetorical question i hope. a glass of water thank you. with a straw. don't you want to know what happened? you didn't say anything about guns,. machine guns with war criminals stuck to the trigger. i'll leave your bag under the table all right? but this isn't about the money is it? i saw you there on that last job. at first i thought it was curiosity,. but then i realized what was going on. you don't need the money, you liked the rush. your old man, can't give you the action can he? good-bye sweetheart you're too dangerous for me. you are scary good at that. shut up bob or i'll slap you. go and pick up your paper work from your boy friend and drop me off on the way, i am going back to bed. yeah? what? well, who is it then? sidney shaw is a pseudonym you idiot, they never use the real name. get around here and let me have a look. look at you, good as new. fancy sharing some dancing lessons with me later in the week, a bitta the 'ol salsa? i got something for you. thought you might like it, seeing as you like paintings and all. there, it's on floor. like it? emmm, emmmmmmmmmmmm. emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. see ya arch,. i think we should get out of here now, don't you john?