have you read this? johnny story singer extraordinaire, fell off a boat, they say. missing, assumed dead, they say. how many rock stars by the name of johnny story do you think there are in this universe mickey? i believe so. how can we help? we did. there was. i would like to see him too, but that might be tricky 'cos according to the newspapers the only songs mr story is going to be singing is hymns. sorry, but what has this got to do with us? that there's not much you can't do? would you want anyone to know that he was your dad? would we have taken him on if we had known? we need to see cookie. get that archy on the phone, i think we've got a problem. mr. archy,. i hear you, but you can't just shut us down! i've got an act on. i understand, we'll find him,. but i have to keep the club open! i have four hundred people in here! don't you dare shut us down! if we want to keep the licence and the lights on, we need to find johnny story. can we have a word cookie? we need to find johnny story. you know and i know nothing kills johnny. come on cookie, you've helped him fuck up his life for the last five years, now do him a good turn. so why did you call johnny? look, whoever i am talking to please relay the message to johnny. his dad, his jack in the box surprise gangster daddy, paid us a visit. shut down a few of our venues and he intends to shut down a few more unless mr story puts in an appearance. archy? whooooa,.