look, can we shut the door? let's put our cards on the table. we both know you aren't going to get the full forty out of my clients. save that speech for the tourists charlie and let's strike a deal - take the twenty now and let it go. otherwise, they'll move the company off shore tomorrow and you'll spend the next twenty years chasing an imaginary forty million around every republic that grows bananas. i don't feel like smiling. i am a thirty two year old accountant married to a homosexual lawyer. i'm a beard without kids bertie! i'm in a marriage of convenience that can be quite inconvenient at times. is that what they call humor where you come from? you're quite the entertainer aren't you mr. one two? and you are late, please don't be late, i have a very busy schedule. i have some work and thought you'd be interested, its your kind of work. there are two accountants taking out seven million euros from a bank i know and it won't be protected. twenty percent for me, as normal. the details are in here. yes,. i don't want this coming back to me so, if you could give them a black eye,. that might help. she see's a slight pause and look of concern from one two. a black eye, nothing more. why thank you, you'll be able to afford your own pair in a couple of days. good bye. you don't need to copy anything any more, welcome to the nouveau riche mr. one two. why thank you mr. one two. i see you didn't think much of the black eye though. until next time. well, according to my figures that sounds about right, but what can you do? beauty is a cruel mistress. not for me thank you. that's what you pay me to be, isn't it? my husband is a lawyer. i don't quite know where this is going and if you don't mind, i would like to keep our relationship professional. forgive me for being immodest mr omovich. i am a very good accountant, but i can only cover so much of your money, it does have to be accounted for after all. it is not easy to lose seven million to the tax man. let me think about it, there are some options i have tried to leave open. i can get any number, i work with numbers don't i? i need a favor. my husbands having a party tonight and they need some "smarties" but they have nowhere to go. look, i know it's a liberty, but i thought you might know people. plus, i have another bit of work for you. you can bring your friends. there will be interesting people - the rich and famous, the great and good. good evening gentlemen. help yourselves to drinks. drink? so, you're a dancer? sure, i like to dance. the same job's back on again. same time, same place, same money. same as before, but they're not my accountants. a couple of their's,. other than that, should be just the same. oh my god, are you all right? i know what happened, it's been all over the news, but i didn't realize,. i am sorry i didn't know, but shouldn't you have taken precautions? i have to go now. i'll take you up on that. you have very good taste,. mr one two. good bye. what is this for? years, it's my lucky painting,. it's very special isn't it?