very high an' very fast. he was big, an' very nasty so i destroyed him in a hurry -- now i'm gettin' ready for mac lee green next month. that's right -- it's gonna be the greatest sportin' event in this country's history -- a gala occurrence! the bicentennial heavyweight championship of the world is gonna be held in the only place it can be held -- philadelphia! -- the nation's cradle -- january first -- the first major event of our two hundredth year. me an' my wife are goin' home 'cause we miss our children an' can't go no more time without seein' them. stay in school an' use your brains, dig -- be a lawyer, be a doctor, carry a leather briefcase an' forget about sports!! sports can only make ya grunt an' smell -- be a thinker not a stinker!! damn. solution, nothin' -- what about the bicentennial fight. you best find me another ranked contender an' i mean in a flash, man! then gimme buddy shaw -- he's ranked fifth. shape, nothin' -- they're afraid. they know everybody in the world's gonna see this fight an' none of them gotta prayer of beating me so they're makin' excuses so they don't have to be the chump that's gonna be whipped in front of the whole civilized world!! i do -- maybe what this fight needs is something new -- a novelty. give my main man a raise!! now here's what's goin' down. listen, 'cause i'm gonna say this but one time. on january first, the first day of the bicentennial i'm gonna fight me a local poor underdog, dig? a snow-white underdog. an' i'm gonna put his face on this poster with me, hear? an' i'll tell you why, 'cause i'm sentimental -- an' all the people in the country all sentimental, man, an' they'd like nothin' better than me, apollo creed, to let some unknown get a shot at the greatest title in the world on this country's biggest birthday. now that's the way i see it an' that's the way i want it!! no, man, it's very smart. how 'bout this billy snow? how 'bout this big chuck smith? i don't feel heat from the name. still don't feel no heat. this man. 'the italian stallion' -- he's my man. don't matter -- that name. 'the italian stallion,' it's right on. who discovered america? an italian, right? so, man, what could be better than to get it on with one of his ancestors -- listen, i gonna carry this boy three rounds, then drop 'im like a bad habit. southpaw, nuthin' -- i'll drop 'im in three -- 'apollo creed meets the italian stallion.' shhiii -- sounds like a damn monster movie!! i like my philadelphia brothers. an' i'm patriotic! if yo' don't back up i'm gonna send yo' home with a microphone in yo' nose! if history proves one thing, everybody gotta chance -- didn't yo' all ever hear of david an' goliath? -- 'course i woulda knocked out goliath. the same coincidence that he's fightin' a black man. he's italian. it means if he can't fight, i bet he can cook! i am the champion of the whole world!!! italian stallion, i come over to tell you to be very smart an' after this fight donate what's gonna be left of your body to science, cause after this fight what's left won't fill a tuna fish can!. so beware, mon cher!!! this classic fight -- tha's right, this bicentennial fight's goin' down in the history books 'cause january first i'm gonna be the first man to bounce another man offa the planet pluto! now i gots a special announcement, y'hear. for the first time in alotta years this championship fight is gonna be on your home t.v.! free -- 'course that's just for philly -- my present to the city. now some ya'll ain't much on likin' me, but ya gotta admit apollo creed is one damn generous, 100% pure, government inspected, afro-american folk hero!!! how much is being channeled into west coast closed-circuit advertising? make it four hundred an' fifty. send two hundred roses to the mayor's wife from me, get a picture an' make sure it gets all the papers. yeah, i'd like to get canada -- see, if we can get a tax break -- gimme the figures on the program concession. i mean business, too -- the gross rental of the arena is gonna include the four hundred ushers, right? -- gimme some coffee. i want you! i want you! come at me, sucker! that boy damn near broke my arm. i'll carry him 'till the third. man, i rearranged his face with that right -- the people love what's happenin' tonight. that man's takin' his job too serious. he got lucky. c'mon -- lemme cut yo'! my side. no doctor! no doctor!. i'm feelin' good, bro! ribs broke -- one more round. stop jivin'! thanks. ain't gonna be no rematch.