how was the flight, champ? apollo, how would you rate this last british challenger, henry wilcoxson? you're referring to the much publicized bicentennial fight? still to be held in philadelphia? where're you off to now? any quick advice for young boxing hopefuls? jerry simpson at kennedy airport with the champion, apollo creed. unfortunate luck for fifth-ranked heavyweight, mac lee green. the slugging fighter acquired a serious fracture in his left hand after an aggressive day of sparring -- champion apollo creed says he'll be 'shopping for another victim,' to fill green's vacancy for the bicentennial championship fight to be held in philly next month. by the way, rumor has it that this will be the most widely-viewed sporting event in the entire world -- and that includes the super bowl, folks. today u.s. swimmers set a new. a bicentennial fight -- january first. it will be the first sporting event on our two hundredth birthday and is already being called by many the greatest farce in sports history. if this man lasts more than a minute i would say he's on borrowed time. it's matches like this with their exorbitant prices that give sports a bad name -- not only is this match bad, people, it's sad! why a rocky balboa? at the state athletic commission, larry duggan reporting. just relax, mr. balboa -- today we're here with heavyweight challenger, rocky balboa. the reason we are standing in a refrigerated box is that mr. balboa has an unusual method of training and in a moment he is going to demonstrate it for our viewing audience -- but first, rocky, how did you ever come to train in an icebox? is this a common training method -- i mean do other fighters pound raw meat? would you give us a demonstration? diane lewis in the meathouse with the southpaw, rocky balboa.