well i don't think there was any doubt about that - you and betty have been almost inseparable ever since you sat in on dr scott's refresher lectures. yes, janet and i are both fond of him. we drove over to see him last vacation. it's a shame his new job took him away from denton. who knows. ha ha. everyone knows betty's a wonderful little cook. and ralph himself will be in line for promotion in a year or so. i've got something to say. i really loved the skilful way you beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet. the river was deep but i swam it. the future is ours so let's plan it. so please don't tell me to can it. i've one thing to say and that's dammit, janet. i love you. if there's one fool for you then i am it. i love you. here's a ring to prove that i'm not joker. there's three ways that love can grow. that's good bad or mediocre. oh - j - a - n - e - t i love you so. oh dammit. oh janet and that's go see the man who began it when we met in his science exam it - made me give you the eye and then panic, i've got one thing to say, and that's dammit, janet. dammit, janet. yes, janet. life's pretty cheap to that type. i think we took the wrong fork a few miles back. hmmm . well, i guess we will have to turn back. we must have a blow-out. you'd better sit here and keep warm while i go for help. didn't we pass a castle back down the road a few miles? maybe they have a telephone i might use. there's no point both of us getting wet. there's a light. i can see the flag fly i can see the rain just the same there has got to be something better here for you and me. there's a light. a light in the darkness of everybody's life. just a moment, janet. they may have a telephone. uh - oh - hi! my name is brad majors. and this is my fiancee, janet weiss. i - ah - wondered if you could help us. our car has broken down about two miles up the road. do you have a phone we might use? yes. oh, it's probably some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos. say! do any of you guys know the madison? for god's sake keep a grip on yourself janet. it's just a. a party janet. we can't go anywhere until i get to a phone. let's wait awhile janet. we don't want to interfere with their celebrations. they're probably foreigners with ways different from our own. - they may do some more folk dancing. i'm here, there's nothing to worry about. i'm glad we caught you at home ah - could we use your phone we're both in a bit of a hurry. we'll just say where we are then go back to the car we don't want to be any worry. it's alright janet, we'll play along for now and pull out the aces when the time is right. ah, hi. my name is brad majors and this is my fiancee, janet weiss. you are . people like you maybe i'm brad majors and this is my fiancee, janet vice. weiss. certainly not! it's alright janet. it's alright janet. everything's going to be alright. no, don't do that. don't worry janet, we'll be away from here in the morning. hmmmm, you smell so good. alright, janet. i understand. janet! oh! yes it's alright. janet. everything's going to be alright. you! why you - what have you done with janet? you tricked me. i wouldn't have - i've never - never. ahhh - no - stop - i mean janet. janet. like this. like how? it's your fault - you're to blame. i thought it was the real thing. you promise you won't tell? once in a while she don't want to call you speaking on the telephone once in your life she won't want to know you you look around the one you've found she is gone. and that's all the time that it takes for a heart to turn to stone the sweeter the wine the harder to make the break you hear something about someone you'd thought you'd known. so baby don't cry like there's no tomorrow after the night there's a brand new day. and there'll be no pain and no more sorrow. so wash your face and phone my place it'll be o.k. and that's all the time that it takes for a heart to beat again. so give me a sign that a lover makes you look around the one you've found is back again. creature of the night. great scott - scotty - dr everett scott. i most certainly do. he happens to be an old friend of mine. i told you, my car broke down. i was telling the truth. he was a science teacher at denton high. he might be. i don't know. dr. scott! eddie? i've seen him. he's. dr scott. janet! what exactly are you implying? but doctor scott. it's as if we were glued to the spot. you mean. you're a hot dog but you'd better not try to hurt her, frank furter. it's beyond me help me mommy i'll be good you'll see take this dream away what's this, let's see i feel sexy what's come over me here it comes again. it's beyond me help me mo-ommy. you mean you're going to kill him? what's his crime? good god. i've done a lot god knows i've tried to find the truth i've even lied but all i know is down inside.