well i was walking down the street just having a think when a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink. well it shook me up it took me by surprise he had a pick-up truck and the devil's eyes he stared at me and i felt a change time meant nothing never would again. slowly, slowly. it's too nice a job to rush. you are very lucky to be invited up to frank's laboratory. some people would give their right arm for the privilege. i've seen it. eddie! you mean she only ever kissed? touch-a touch-a touch-a, touch me. thrill me, chill me, fulfil me. creature of the night. eddie! excuse me. everybody shoved him, i very nearly loved him. i said, hey listen to me, stay sane inside insanity. but he locked the door and threw away the key. my god! i can't take any more of this - first you spurn me for eddie, then you cast him off like an old overcoat for rocky. you chew people up and then spit them out - i loved you, do you hear me - i loved you - and what did it get me - i'll tell you - a big nothing. you're like a sponge. you take, take, take, take! you drain others of their love and emotions. well, i've had enough. you've got to choose between me and rocky - so named because of the rocks in his head. it was great when it all began i was a regular frank fan. but it was over when he had the plan to start working on a muscle-man. now the only thing that gives me hope is my love of a certain dope rose tints my world keeps me safe from my trouble and pain.