we came here to discuss eddie. that's alright brad. from the day he was born, he was trouble. he left home the day she died. was rock and roll, und i did. making him warn, me, in a note und when he threatened your life with a switch blade knife und i did. und i did my wheels - my god, i can't move my wheels. you won't find earth people quite the easy mark you imagine. this sonic transducer - it is, i suppose, some kind of audio-vibratory, physiomolecular transport device. yes brad. it's something we ourselves have been working on. but it seems our friend here has found a way of perfecting it. a device which is capable of breaking down solid matter and then projecting it through space, and - who knows - perhaps even time itself! you're a hot dog but you'd better not try to hurt her, frank furter. ach, we've got to get out of this trap before this decadence saps our wills. i've got to be strong and try to hang on. or else my mind, may well snap. und my life will be lived, for the thri-i-i-i-ill.