how do you do. don't get strung out by the way that i look. don't judge a book by its cover i'm not much of a man by the light of day but by night i'm one hell of a lover. i'm just a sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania. you got caught with a flat well how about that well babies don't you panic by the light of the night it'll seem alright i'll get you a satanic mechanic. i'm just a sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania. why dont'cha stay for the night i'm just a sweet transvestite from transexual transylvania. from transexual transylvania. so come up to the lab. magenta, columbia, go and assist riff raff. i will entertain. ah. how forceful you are brad. such a perfect specimen of manhood. so dominant. do you have any tattoos brad. oh well. how about you. tonight. one, one, one. can you hear me at the back? tonight, my unconventional conventionists. tonight you are to witness a breakthrough in biochemical research. and paradise is to be mine. it was strange the way it happened. one of those quirks of fate really. one of those moments when you seem irredeemably lost: you panic; you're trapped; your back's against the wall. there's no way out, and then suddenly, you get a break. all the pieces seem to fit into place. what a sucker you'r been. what a fool. the answer was there all the time. it took a small accident to make it happen. an accident! that's how i discovered the secret. that elusive ingredient, that spark that is the breath of life. throw open the switches on the sonic oscillator. and step up the reactor power input three more points. well. that's no way to behave on your first day out. yes. yes. o.k? i think we can do a little better than that. i didn't make him for you a weakling weighing ninety eight pounds will get sand in his face when kicked to the ground. and soon in the gym with a determined chin the sweat from his pores as he works for his ca-ha-hause will make him glisten - thank you - and gleam. and with massage and just a little bit of ste-he-he-he-hem. he'll be pink. and quite clean. he'll be a strong man - oh honey - he'll eat nutritious high protein and swallow raw eggs. try to build up his shoulders, his chest, arms and legs. he'll do press-ups and chin-ups, do the snatch, clean and jerk. one from the vaults. but a deltoid and a bicep, a hot groin and a tricep makes me - ooh - shake. makes me want to take charles atlas by the ha-and. i'm afraid so, janet. but isn't it nice? nothing. why, do you think i should? i know. but it wasn't all bad was it? in fact, i think you found it quite pleasurable. mmmmm so soft, so sensual. ssssh. brad's probably asleep by now. do you want him to see you like this? well, i'm sure you're not spent yet. cross my heart and hope to die. i'm afraid so, brad. but wasn't it nice? nothing. why do you think i should? i know, but it wasn't all bad was it? i think you found it quite pleasurable. oh so soft. so sensual. shush. janet's probably asleep by now. do you want her to see you like this? oh come on, brad, admit it. it was enjoyable, wasn't it? there's no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure. on my mother's grave. i'm coming. creature of the night. how did it happen? i understood you were to be watching. well, see if you can find him on the monitor. i see. so this wasn't simply a chance meeting. you came here with a purpose. i know what you told me, brad. but this dr everett scott. his name is not unknown to me. and now he works for your government, doesn't he, brad? he's attached to the bureau of investigation of that which you call u.f.o's. isn't he, brad? hmmmm. he'll be in the zen room. well, let's ask him. don't play games, dr scott. you know very well what brad majors's doing here. it was part of your plan was it not that he, and his female, should check the layout for you. well, unfortunately for you all there's to be a change of plans. i'm sure you're adaptable, dr scott. i know brad is. eddie? what do you know of eddie, dr scott? rocky! listen! i made you, and i can break you just as easily. that's better. excellent. under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional. a toast to absent friends. go on, dr. scott - or should i say doctor von scott. what a guy what guy what a guy oh rocky, how could you! i'll tell you once, won't tell you twice you'd better wise up janet weiss. i've laid the seed it should be all you need. when we made it did ya hear a bell ring? y'got a block, take my advice. you'd better wise up, janet weiss. the transducer will seduce yah. you are - so quake with fear, you tiny fools. planet. you'd better wise up, janet weiss. you'd better wise up, build your thighs up. you'd better wise up. it's not easy having a good time. my children turn on me. rocky's behaving just as eddie did. maybe i made a mistake in splitting his brain between the two of them. magenta, i am indeed grateful to both you and your brother riff raff - you have both served me well - loyalty such as yours must be rewarded and you will discover when the mood takes me i can be quite generous. and you shall receive it - in abundance. come. we are ready for the floor show. our guests will be growing restless. what ever happened to fay wray that delicate satin-draped frame as it clung to her thigh how i started to cry for i wanted to be dressed just the same. give yourself over to absolutely pleasure swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh erotic nightmares beyond any measure and sensual daydreams to treasure forever. my my my my i'm a wild and an untamed thing. i'm a bee with a deadly sting. get a hit and your mind goes ping. your heart'll thump and your blood will sing. so let the party and the sounds rock on. gonna shake it till the life has gone. wait! i can explain. on the day i went away. was all i had to say want to come again and stay smile and that will mean i may i've seen blue skies through the tears in my eyes and i realise i'm going home i'm going home like i'm outside in the rain free to try and find a game cards for sorrow, cards for pain. do your worse - inferior one.