the darkness must go down the river of nights dreaming flow morphia slow let the sun and light come streaming into my life. into my life. hello. you're wet. yes. i think you had better both come inside. this way. no. you've arrived on a rather special night. it's one of the master's affairs. it's astounding time is fleeting madness takes its toll but listen closely not for very much longer i've got to keep control. i remember doing the time warp. drinking those moments when the blackness would hit me. and the void would be calling. the master is not yet married. nor do i think he ever will be. we are simply his servants. everything is in readiness, master. we merely await your word. the delivery boy. master, rocky has broken his chains and vanished. the new playmate is loose and in the castle ground. magenta has just released the dogs. creature of the night. aaaargh! mercy. i was only away for a minute master. master, we have a visitor. you know this earth - this person. frank n. furter it's all over your mission is a failure. and also presumptuous of you. you see when i said "we" were to return to transylvania, i referred only to magenta and myself. you see, you are to remain here, in spirit anyway. yes, dr scott. a laser capable of emitting a beam of pure anti-matter. exactly, dr scott. now frank n. furter, your time has come. say goodbye to all this and hello to oblivion. yes. they didn't like me. they never liked me. a decision had to be made. dr scott i'm sorry about your nephew. you must leave now dr scott while it's still possible. we are about to beam the entire house back to the planet of transexual in the galaxy of transylvania. go now. our noble mission is almost completed my most beautiful sister, soon we will return to the moon-drenched shores of our "androgenous" planet. but it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane.