definitely -- -- it says here, mac lee green has suffered a seriously cracked third metacarpal in his left hand. i suppose we could cancel the fight indefinitely if you are set on fighting green. i believe we can find a solution. i contacted ernie roman's manager, he's fighting in france the same week. shaw's fighting in south america -- why not postpone the bout until july fourth? that may not be possible, jimmy. went to california and gained fifty pounds -- and i called every worthwhile contender, but they say five weeks isn't enough time to get in shape. apollo, i'm sure there's a way to salvage this. all i can counter with is that i'm a goddamn good promoter -- i've promoted in every country in the world -- and i've tried to the best of my abilities. perhaps you're right, and no one wants to be beat on the country's birthday. i don't know what else to say -- it's very american. fouls. joe zack is a good prospect -- exciting boy. exactly what are you looking for, apollo? rocky balboa -- his record's poor -- hello, mr. balboa -- i'm miles jergens -- please, have a seat. mr. balboa -- rocky, do you have any representation? a manager? rocky, would you be interested in -- excuse me. i'm sure you are. what? rocky, would you be interested in fighting apollo creed for the championship? did you hear what i said? not spar, i'm asking whether you would be interested in fighting creed for the championship.