yo, rocky -- look at this mirror. i'd like to kill the friggin' moron who broke this mirror. what? forget her. you could do better than my sister. looks, huh? my sister's a friggin' loser. sometimes she gets me so crazy, i'd like to split her head with a razor. ya caught me in a bad mood. adrian ain't sharp. she's a loser -- she don't enjoy life -- she reads -- brainy -- pushin' thirty friggin' years old! she's gonna die alone if she don't wise up. an' you're dyin' alone, too. i wanna kill the friggin' moron who broke the mirror. the girl's dryin' up! she's gotta live a little before her body dries up!! you're a pal, rock -- how 'bout yo' talk to her? y'know, it's thanksgivin' tomorrow. tomorrow you come for some bird, right? i hate the friggin' game. i'd like to talk some business. look at my hands -- see how the joints are swollen. inflamed joints -- walkin' in an' out of a freezer carryin' meat plays hell on the joints. i don't need a doctor, i need a different job. do me a favor -- talk to gazzo. tell him i'm a friend an' would do a good job. tell him i ain't bothered by nothin' an' would be a great collector. bustin' bones don't bother me -- tell him i'm a good worker. i'm askin' ya to go to him -- as a favor. you know her? yeah, sure -- she's very excited. did you call the hospital? if i'm ten minutes late, she calls the hospital. like it would make a difference if you were, right? this guy's a friend and now he's takin' ya out. ya, ya goin' outta the bedroom an' i don't wanna know from nothin'. hey, i want ya out instamaticly. -- i'm sicka lookin' at ya hangin' around like a friggin' spider -- go out -- live! do, enjoy life. don't get wise with me. i want ya to stop bein' a loser. why? !! ya want the bird, go out in the alley an' eat the bird -- i want ya outta the house -- enjoy ya friggin' life. ya hungry, rock? forget nothin' -- here, talk to my sister, tell 'er somethin' nice. try again, c'mon, try again. ice skate. do me a favor -- his lungs, punch 'em out. christ. the guy's a friggin' moron. don't it matter none he's makin' ya out a fool? -- i'd break his lips. he's takin' cheap shots. yo, rock -- now ya'll be lookin' for people to help, right? y'know, to help keep ya livin' clean. ya gotta have a guy help ya exercise, mebbe somebody to be standin' by with a towel or run errands, y'know. without havin' good people around, ya won't have such a good chance. that so. how ya feelin'? i got whiskey here. this is the guy who's fightin' apollo creed. hip -- hip -- hooray! c'mon -- hip -- hip -- rock'll be comin' by every mornin' to pick up some prime -- can't train on that store crap. if ya don't pay gazzo, ya end up hangin' on the hook, right? how 'bout you talk to 'em about me? please do me that favor. y'know, d'ya think you an' my sister -- ah, doin' good together? ain't sure, what's the story? the story -- what's happenin'? ya really like her? what's the attraction? i don't see it? what gaps? you ballin' her? c'mon, ya screwin' her? hit the rump. the rump! ya'll break the ribs! we do that to creed an' they'll take us to jail for murder. yo, rock. i made a few phone calls an' thanks to me ya goin' to be a big man -- thatta dog? to see ya train. i thought i was doin' ya a favor -- c'mon inside -- y'know, my sister really likes ya. nothin'! i want nothin' from you!!! shutup! i want nothin' -- i ain't no charity case! get outta my house! you ain't no friend no more -- go home! outta my house i want ya! get outta my life both of ya's. outta my house i want ya!! i don't want ya messin' up my sister no more -- he's scum from the corner, i don't raise ya to hang with no bum! wanna hit on me? c'mon -- c'mon, i'll break both ya arms so's they never work. i want 'im outta here -- don't think i'm good enough to work for gazzo? that's what i think of bums like you an' gazzo! you're goin' up an' don't care enough to throw paulie some crumbs! i give ya meat, an' i give ya my sister, too! you forget what i went through to give ya the best. i always seen ya had the best, but did ya ever think of puttin' in a good word for me with this scumbag! get away from me -- i could never even get married 'cause you couldn't live by yaself -- ya'd die by yaself! so instead i put you two together -- did ya think of puttin' in a good word for me? -- you owe me! you owe me an' are supposed to treat me good! you busted?! you a virgin? -- ya let 'im in ya pants, didn't ya! ya pulled down ya pants an' let him have it, didn't ya!! i can't haul meat no more. christ, i been beggin' ya for a break until i'm sick inside. yo, rock, i think i found an angle to make some bread usin' ya name, ya mind?