can i help you? i'm here. no, it was nothing. it's good to see you've all got such faith in our little undertaking. the name is deirdre, and i'm running this show. not likely. once, yeah, i was -- but there wasn't an inch of profit in it, and i'm a cash oriented girl, if you take my meaning. i'm a hired gun, same as the rest of you, and that's all any of us needs to know about the other. from here on in you want something you pay cash for it: no credit cards, no bank accounts are in place: ten percent up front, the rest when the job is done. you. what do you do and what should we call you? you were a soldier, were you? and who are you? coordinate all you want, but make sure whatever you do gets cleared through me. are we in sync on this, vincent? is it alright? good, because it cost enough. there's cheaper phones by far than that one, man: you better fucking use it. you sure about this? but would you stake your life, that's the question. next one of you fuckers plays this game i'm going to do for you myself. i won't say it again: we don't have time for this shit! there's a clock running on this job, gentlemen, and i mean to be on schedule. what'd you do with the money? is that right? the two of you were supposed to go to a simple meet and come back with a simple piece of information, and instead you went to fucking war. the deal? the deal is we leave for nice at first light. i feel as if i've wandered onto the set of enter the dragon. could you teach me to do that? i still am. that's right. nobody's saying they don't. i probably do. but for the time being, i'm willing to forget about it. look, sam, don't take it the wrong way when i tell you we won't be doing this again. i know i don't have to, sam, it's just that, for once, i want to. when i was a - patriot, it was a given i'd sleep with any man it was deemed necessary for me to sleep with. you know: any man who needed setting up. sometimes so we might blackmail him, sometimes so he could be killed. sometimes so i could kill him myself. ira isn't exactly an enlightened feminist organization, sam. to most of the men i with i was always the girl. "send the girl to do it." "tell the girl to take care of it." "have the girl fuck him." but i look at you and i get this feeling you take me for what i am: no more, no less. exactly. and last night i wanted to be with someone who was just like me. i better be getting that. just business. now then, let's run through it one more time, shall we? what's your job? next. which leads us to. leaving. while. and then. and then. very good. now all we have to do is live long enough to get paid. alright, gregor, i'm. hello gentlemen, are we ready? you want to take a left, then, so that you're going west. of course. i don't know. well i don't! you go shoot me if you want, vincent, but you'll be dead before i hit the ground. i don't know. well i don't! it's a goddamned mystery to me just like it is to you. but i do know who we're working for. my people, and the russian mob. and you believed me? but it wasn't my people who did it. exactly. gregor, he was the russian's man. it was my people came up with the idea for this run, but the russians who had the capital to finance it. gregor, he was their insurance, and i was ours. everybody else was supposed to be neutral. gregor must've got to swede. that's why you were riding with him. i bought it for him -- all the stuff he was using, it was in his contract. cost a nice penny, too, especially that goddamned phone: gregor had expensive tastes. that we're too stupid to trace his calls. christ, i was starting to think that the two of you had thrown it in and walked away. there's someone on the phone downstairs asking for you, and my somewhat limited french leads me to believe that he might have something to tell us about gregor. oh shut up. if somebody else doesn't find him first. some places, not all. italy, for instance, they're serious about their food. but try bloody britain, anywhere in the u.k., you don't get much fancier than a deep-fried bar egg. food's not our thing, you see. best beer in the world known to man or god. budweiser? you talk to me of beer and you've the unbridled gall to mention budweiser in the same sentence? that's not beer! christ, it's not even a poor excuse for rabbit piss. i drink what every civilized man, woman and child in the world drinks: guinness. gregor's fine. cold cocking the poor son-of-a-bitch would have sufficed, seamus, don't you think? when we're done with this, i want to do for that one myself. and what's that supposed to mean, seamus reilly? so you thought that maybe i'd grown too attached to this charade i've been playing, is that it? not to me, you know that. i guess you don't know me, then, if you think i won't kill you for an insult like that! remember what we agreed on, seamus: when we get home, i don't play "the girl" again. where's the case? would somebody tell me what fucking well happened in there? well, if it isn't mr. interpol himself. i can't believe i misjudged you like i did. i'm a patriate. where do you get off saying word one? all the time pretending to be one of us, it's the same thing we were doing, seamus and myself. and here you are so high and mighty, like you're so different from the rest of us. bloody fucking hell. they're part of the team. one of them's the guy i told you about. that's him. i told you: they're good. you lose them! not yet. they're good! you better be careful, seamus, before something happens a plastic surgeon can't fix. you're thinking with your gun, seamus, and not your head. no, seamus. i heard you the first time. that fucking figures. you two stay here and watch our mutual interest. let it go, sam, walk away. god damn it! seamus! i'm no girl, seamus. and you ain't nobody's people. sam. he's got the briefcase rigged to explode five seconds after anybody other than himself tries to open it. don't do it, sam! he'll kill me anway, sam, shoot though me and kill this fucker. alright? it's bloody fucking freezing in here! only the stupid ones. cigarettes kill more patriots than bullets. besides, i'm not ira no more. i don't know. i was thinking. maybe the three of us might partner up -- guns for hire, that sort of thing. come off it, sam -- if we weren't friends already we wouldn't be here now, would we?