whoever hired us. now that is an interesting proposition. because if there's more than one party involved, if we really are working for different people, then perhaps some of us are on different sides. your orders might be different from mine. why don't both of you shut up? who are you? ira? these days they they call me gregor -- and i'm a tech. i do electronic work, surveillance, computer runs. it's quite satifactory. i intend to. this phone is wired like no other: it's got an encryption chip and instant sat-a-link recognition, it can talk to any computer in any language and make it understand. with my custom hardware and this phone i can trace the target's cell phone signature and follow him anywhere he goes. i'd stake my reputation. in this business, your life and your reputation are more often than not one and the same. i would imagine that the great satisfaction in all of this will be killing the american. a means to an end, is that it? then i guess we're set. what's that? what are you doing? nobody's going to do that! i need you, swede, i can't do this without you! i do, i do. i use my cell phone to get computer access to the telecommunications satellite used by our target. i trace his cell phone signature and use it to pin point his location as he moves through nice, relaying that information to you. ready when you are. it's a beautiful street, no? always in a rush, you are. all these years i've known you, you could never wait for anything. do you really think so? relax! look over there. do you see that one? the girl in the light blue dress? to make a point. i don't know her, and i was ready to splatter her brains all over the sidewalk. i don't particularly like you, so imagine what i'll do if you try anything. it's under your seat. as my american friend larry would say: are you fucking deaf? it's under your seat. it's done. much to your disappointment, no doubt. i'm in the middle of saving you people a great deal of money -- the least you could do is have the decency to pay me! what i do is none of your concern. what you should do is wait for my next phone call. i'm going to find a place where i can tilt the field in my favor. when i'm ready, i'll call you and tell you what i want you to do. thank you, gentleman, that will do nicely. edvard, is that you? i'm touched, really, that they'd send someone of your caliber. it's nice to know that they didn't make the mistake of underestimating me twice. i'm sure. but i'm sorry to say that it's too late for trust: we have a serious problem. really? do you have the money with you? you first, edvard. i think not. after you. i don't have it with me. i swear. i sent it to myself in paris. a post office box. there's a problem. the package didn't come. i'm sure it will tomorrow. i swear, it has to come here! it has to. it is, i'm telling you it is!! no, mikhi, i wouldn't. since i won't speak your language, and you can't speak mine, english will do nicely. edvard said the same thing about you before he died. enough! what is he doing here? but you hate each other! so, you've got it all figured, do you? i think not. i have, of course, taken the precaution of wiring the briefcase to explode five seconds after it opens. unless, of course, i deactivate it before it goes off. should any of you decide to rush me, i'll kill myself and whoever happens to be near me at the time. i'll destroy whatever's in the case. we'll die if we stay here! you might have made a good field agent you arrogant american prick, but you're not smart enough to go up against me. go ahead, shoot. shoot and kill the bitch, i don't care. and yet you don't shoot. interesting. put down your weapon and walk away. shut up!