hello, my friend. he doesn't look french to me, vincent. well, vincent's american friend, shall we see what we can do for you? are you sure you won't have a drink? don't worry, we'll take care of it. he's tough, your american friend. and you respect him. i've never seen a man who could have taken what he just went through. he's a cop? not exactly? but close enough, eh? so he saved your life, then? if he hadn't you'd have put a bullet in his head a long time ago. you're feeling better? you should really let a doctor look at that. but first you have something to take care of? something important? a thing that cannot wait? forgive my intrusion into your affairs, but i am the one who connected vincent to this job, his agent, if you will. he is one of my oldest friends and i owe him a great debt, much like the debt i suspect he owes you. he sees this differently, as you well know. you suffered through an agonizing pain last night, pain you could have avoided by declaring yourself an agent of the law. not a word. but no ordinary criminal would have the extensive military and medical expertise you do. and so i place the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that makes sense to me. you work for some government agency and you carry a gun, and in my world, that makes you a cop. call it a reckoning of character. perhaps. but you are not healthy, and if you try i'll kill you. i suppose i want to know how a man like you is created. perhaps forged is a better word. like steel. like a sword. you're a modern samurai. i've spent my life around extraordinary men -- men like vincent. but i've never seen anyone like you. i'm afraid vincent will die if he goes with you. you seem one to me. survival. i suppose that's as good a cause as any.