you wanna know what football is? it's hitting the other guy dirty and then spitting in his face when he's down. football is all things american, and american is a-number-one the absolute fucking best there is. that's what football is. . and that's not football. anybody wanna tell me what we're waiting for? and who the fuck is that? what're you talking about, man? i don't understand. i got a surprise for you, blondie. anybody tries to unpleasant me i'll put two between his eyes -- one to do the job and the other to make sure it takes. who the fuck are you? i drive -- and my name is larry. larry from the states. who's they? gets the job done. not for long. is that right? why don't you go do better, then. yeah, well. my way works too. who the fuck died and appointed you food czar? and you could stand to get a little smarter, ain't that right you dumb blonde fuck? so what's the deal? what'd you guys do? you call me with the target's route, i follow along until we've reached the attack point and then i run his squag ass off the road. eat shit and die slowly. i blast the lead car into oblivion. then swede and i split with the package and meet you back at the rendezvous. where is this broad? is that right? not in mine. i don't think so. he just. i don't believe that son-of- a. we've been crossed. what is this? fine with fucking me, we got work to do. i don't care what it takes, we are getting our property back and putting it into the hands of the people who are gonna pay us a great deal of money when we do. i don't know about the rest of you guys, but i'm not the kind of guy to just sit back and take it in the ass. i don't mean that in, like, a literal way. your people? who the fuck is your people? how do we know that? i never did trust that blonde fuck. what are you gonna do, call him up and ask him to give us back our shit? i'm telling you. that i could be dead and i'd drive better than you. this. this is incredible. is the rest of europe like this? what is? best beer in the world? budweiser for me, thanks. oh yeah? whatta you drink, then? i'm driving.