no. sorry i'm late. who else would you be? i know cops -- and you're no cop. no thanks. he trusts you to lock up? i got this gig through a contractor. and he most definitely didn't know who was doing the hiring, only that they were paying a lot of money. so none of us knows who's paying the freight, this is just some anonymous job. for all we know, we're working for different people. knock it off! the point remains: we could be working for different people. there's a chance for one of us. maybe more than one of us -- has been paid to cross the others. i don't know about you guys, but i like to know who i'm working for. it can help prevent a great deal of. . unpleasantness. sam. i'm a weapons guy. once. coordinate what? you shoot alright. all in the stomach, though. your man might live. long enough to shoot back. it's been known to happen. my way is better. where to? i can do that. what's he saying? that's what i thought. as in, they own it? and i suppose he's saying that we oughta give them something for using it, huh? i don't. but the language he's speaking is universal. i guess we oughta give them something. oh man, i am sorry about that. let me give you a hand. what'd you say to him? jujitsu. not at all. similar, but not the same. one's a lot more painful than the other. could i get one of those? i have, i don't know, maybe a cigarette a week. i do. it has it's moments. course, you get cancer and die, that's the down side. so, vincent: why bring me along for the ride? job like this calls for a warm body, somebody who can stand around and look threatening. a tough guy. exactly. why not bring them? watch that one, he's an ex-spook for sure, maybe stasi, maybe kgb. he's smart, gregor is. deirdre? smart, yeah, and seriously goddamned dangerous. i've wondered that myself. none of this answers my question, though. why bring me? who am i? that's right: there's not hardly enough work these days, nothing that pays the big money, anyhow. then along comes this job, paying so much goddamned money i couldn't afford not to take it. somebody's paying through the nose for this. whatever it is it must be goddamned priceless. they'd have to keep something like this under lock and key in new york, and it would still get fucked up. what's going on? see what? you told him i was a cop? he asked you to? you need to know a lot of shit, vincent. now would be a good time to get the fuck out of here. you know, what you pulled back there, that was bullshit. well i ain't a cop. know what? i saw you look off when francois nodded his head. i figured he wasn't pointing out a particularly rare shrub, and the rest was easy. because that's what i would have done. what i did back in the park i did because we're working together -- we're on the same team. this is business -- this is work. we did it together, we share the spoils, even split. whatever you say. hazard pay. we weren't real thrilled about it either. i didn't think to see you again tonight. you were pretty pissed. is that right? part of me says i should just look at this as a perk. you know, a bonus. but then i remember you're you -- deirdre who used to belong to the ira -- and it occurs to me that deceit and subterfuge come very naturally to you. and when i consider that, i have to wonder if you don't have some ulterior motive for being here, with me, right now. no goodbye? you don't have to explain yourself to me, deirdre. you're a hired gun, deirdre -- just like me. duty calls? while i back him up, making sure to get the package if something goes wrong and somebody takes swede down. it's a cocktail. mostly demerol, cut with a little crank because we might need you awake in the real near future. both of you. put your guns down and chill out. like it or now, we're on the same side: we're here and the package isn't. you're not the boss any more, you're our partner. so tell us what you know, so we can figure a way out of this mess. now, what did we steal? because if they had she'd be gone along with the package, instead of sitting here with us. gregor's cell phone. did he bring that with him? check this out. gregor's a spook, or he was one until recently. when he was a spy he lived the life -- you know, a prince in some eastern bloc country where nobody had shit and gregor had everything. then the wall goes down. no more cold war. and gregor is out of a job. no apartment, no special stores with western food and video tapes. i would bet dollars against shit that gregor liked that phone and he doesn't want to give it up. and i wouldn't be surprised if he's arrogant enough to think. what's going on? i came up here to sneak a smoke. i hope you don't mind i took your pack. it was on the table. i borrowed that, too. i have a feeling i'm about to start buying my own. it was at that. i've seen a lot of people die before. you don't. you just learn to live with it. we live in a singular world, my friend. you might be a hired gun, vincent, but i got a feeling you cost more than two bits. he's going back. it's paris. the route's too indirect for anything else. a guy like gregor, he doesn't waste time on this road unless he has to be on it in the first place. otherwise, he'd be out of the country by now. he's going to paris. now i just hope we can find him before he gets there. whatever you hear, whatever happens, when your partners come back out, you make sure you're here with the motor running. after you, asshole. you might have been one mean technical spook, gregor, but you wouldn't have lasted a week in the field. don't talk to me unless you tell me what i want to hear, understand?!? you have no choice in this, don't think about winning, think about staying alive. i want the item, and if you don't give it to me, i'm gonna kill you. bullshit! then where is it? sent it where? but you can't. hey. i didn't save your life back there. risked it, maybe -- but i didn't save shit. you know one around here? somebody you trust? no hospitals. i'll fix this myself if i have to. not exactly. if i was a cop, a real cop, i'd have busted you a long time ago. this isn't about you, it's about the job i have to do. my job, vincent, a job you don't need to know about. i can't go to the local cops -- they'd never be able to get close enough at this point. it's me or nobody, and i've been on this job too goddamned long not to finish. we? there is no we in my world now, vincent, just me. this doesn't involve you, don't you understand? i can't even guarantee you any money out of all this. you don't have to do this. american. no booze. pain's in the mind, and the mind i can control. alright, let's do it. douse the wound with alcohol. take that sponge and wipe away as much of the blood as you can, keep it clean so i can see. take the clamp. peel back the skin and attach the clamp. you see the bullet? good. now take the forceps, and remember, vincent, what we're doing here is routine. i've done stuff like this at least twenty times in the field. there are no vital organs where you're working, no major muscles or arteries -- you can't kill me. just make sure you've got the bullet before you try to pull it out. you think you can stitch me up on you own? then if you don't mind. i'm gonna pass out. some, thanks. enough to move on, for now. soon. yeah. it gets done now or not at all. another couple of days and the parties concerned are gone where i can't get them. vincent doesn't owe me a thing. i didn't expect that he would. vincent told you that i'm a cop? so this is what, a test? if i was healthy, i could take that away from you. so what is it you want to know? created? vincent's life is his own burden; he'll have to carry it for himself. and i'm not any kind of samurai. a samurai has honor, a samurai live by the code of bushido, the way of the warrior. i'm just a killer for hire. the world isn't about honor, anymore. it's about survival. what's the story? gaelic. i'm sure. why's that? it's the irish tape we want. seamus reilly. i know of him. the irish representative? what's this? thorough man. you sure your friend got the right place? do what? it's my job. sure i do. you heard him, you heard the guy -- that's what he said, what edvard said. i'm a field agent -- last of an already extinct breed. i do dark ops. dark operations. wet work. kidnaping. assassination. it is at that. i never made that claim. you were behind the door? you would have done that? how could you have done that? all things come to those who wait. they don't have the package. you said it yourself: gregor's not dead. if they had the package, they'd have killed him. don't do it. oh please. you're on some sort of holy mission? don't even think that i'm buying that. i didn't say i was. don't even think it. i'd kill you before you had it halfway out. put your seatbelt on. i don't know. give me a cigarette. gimme a goddamn cigarette!!!! nice place. business keeps you on the road? i know i don't need to say this to you, but i need to say it to you. this is my job, i have to do it. no you don't, and you know it. in a minute. yeah. we need out fucking heads examined. not here. they might see it. time to quit. not just like that. just before i turn around and it's six months from now and the first thing i do when i wake up in the morning is light a cigarette. would you stop with that. the mark of a true samurai. what i do for the company, vincent, is no different than what you do. we're both hired guns, and this is a job -- like any other job. because i don't walk away. it's the one thing i've got left to hold onto. jean-pierre is one of your closest friends, is he not? and yet you would have killed him to save my life. you have a sense of honor, vincent, that i can't even remember anymore. i don't know that i ever even had it to begin with. all i know to do, vincent, is to finish my job. that's a good question. no, i don't. i'm on point, vincent. let's work our way through the building. i'll take one wing, you take the other. watch your back, vincent. go on, them. i'll work on it. that's me. let's get him out of here. and now. deirdre, wait up -- are you alright? i'm sorry, i can't allow that. call that number and ask them what you should do. thank you very much. here and there, i guess. what? what of it? you don't owe me a goddamned thing, vincent, and you know it. you stepped in front of a bullet for me. i owe you a heavy debt. you better get some sleep, alright? i don't know. nobody knows, except a bunch of people who are too dead to tell us. there's probably a couple of guys back at the company who know, but i don't think they plan to tell me anytime soon. gone. destroyed. it's what you would have done. i told you, i quit. not me. you work too often with the same people and you become friends -- clouds your judgement. how much does it pay?