if you want to live you'll do exactly as i tell you. now there's the deirdre i know. it means i was worried that all the time you spent away from the fold might have affected you. you've been living the life of the hired gun -- the well paid hired gun, i might note. there's no glory to it, but there are those that like it. it's been known to happen. i thought i did. just testing, lass. forgive me, but i had to do it. problem my ass! i think you're lying to me, and if you are you're a dead man! nothing. if you're lying to me you poor excuse for a human being, i'm gonna blow your brains all over this car. ease up, man. i'm just checking to make sure you're on the level. and it seems to me i saw a sign in there that says they got a late afternoon delivery. why don't we come back later today and do this all over again, huh? what in bloody hell is going on? from interpol? why didn't you kill him? how is it these fellahs managed to get the drop on us? you should have kill him when you had the chance. but no. you slept with the fucker!! this better be the real thing or you're a dead man! you've told me a lot of things, boyo. lose them! to the right!!! about time! good christ! can't you lose these jokers? plastic fucking surgeon? you think i'm going to fix this, deirdre lass? it's the mark of the patriot, and i'll wear it like a badge. as for those who done it to me, i'll take my pound of flesh before this is all over. shut up!!! shut up and drive! i'm your superior officer and you will do as i goddamn well say, is that understood?!? do i need to repeat myself? the moment of truth, is it? what am i doing here? why, i'm here to see my partners, gregor, the boys in the russian mafia. see, your bosses had hoped to screw me by hiring you to pull your thieving double cross. but they only just found out that what's in the briefcase is completely useless without me. i can't fight them, and they can't kill me -- that means we're gonna have to do business together. what's a little hate between business partners? figured enough to know there's an odd man out and i'm looking at him. it looks, gentlemen, as if we're gonna have to sit down to table and work out an agreement. i can't take it anymore. watch him, man, i'm going out and finish what needs finishing! turn around real slow, and try hard not to breathe when you do it. it's you. you're the one did this to my face, are you? have a nice afterlife. deirdre, do for him, woman, put a fucking bullet in his head! do it, for christ's sake, do it so we can find that stinking gregor, he's got the bloody package! for god's sake, you're a soldier. you're one of us. you been born and bred with your own people, you can't go against your nature. c'mon, girl, i'm you're people. if you don't, i will. shoot that traitorous bitch and i'll let you live.