how so? what a surprise. they call me swede. everybody. me? i kill. you should watch what you eat. i'm just worried about your health, larry. you could stand to shed a few pounds. who you calling dumb, dickless? i hadn't thought about it. understand me, gregor -- i take no pleasure in killing. it doesn't bother me one bit, but i don't get off on it. that's it. there is one other thing. don't cross me. really? i just wanted to make sure you knew who you were dealing with. just remember it, then. i ride with fat-boy. after we stop the target car i get out and use the heavy artillery to kill the driver and his bodyguard. leaving me to step in, drop the target in the back seat, and get the package. nobody's taking me anywhere. you should learn a little patience. it's consider a virtue in some corners of the world. not today. i don't particularly like killing, tubby, but i want you to know that this one i'm going to enjoy.