football -- american football -- is a game for faggots. what makes you think we're here to meet you? perhaps the police? cigarette? let's just say he knows who i am. the question isn't what we're waiting for. it's who. i'm vincent. and i coordinate. things. this is my country, you know. of course. and what is it you do? let's go for a ride. to see a man about a thing. pretty much what you'd expect. he says this is their block. something like that. i didn't know that you spoke french. if you think we should. i asked if we could give him anything else. that was a nice move you did on our young friend. judo? same thing, isn't it? what's the difference? help yourself. since when do you smoke? a cigarette? as in one? one cigarette a week, who smokes like that? christ, i smoke a pack-and-a-half a day, and i tell myself i could be worse. it's just so damned pleasurable. there is that. like larry or swede. let's just say i thought the conversational possibilities were limited. of course, i might have brought gregor, but he didn't seem like the right candidate -- for this. so is the woman. i wonder if she truly left the ira. i wanted to see who you were. you were once some kind of special forces. airborne ranger, maybe a navy seal. after that you rode shotgun for the cia in some place like el salvador or afghanistan, a real mercenary. only now -- now you're like the rest of us, it's a very competitive market since the end of the cold war. there's a lot of hired guns out here, and not nearly enough work to go around. they certainly are. whatever it is we're going to steal, it must be quite something. lovely, isn't it? do you have it? he's company. what do you mean? i just wanted to see something. i needed to know. here's yours. what's that? i take it you still want the money. where's my information? then you better find it in your heart to tell me, francois, because while your death is inevitable, it still isn't decided how painful it's going to be. i needed to see if you were a cop. i'm a popular man with the police, sam, and whenever they try to catch me they always do it with an inside guy -- some man on some job who seems more trustworthy than all the others put together. and that's the guy you have to watch out for. i hate cops. how did you know? that there was a gun pointed at me. but how did you know i would have the presence of mind to pull my weapon when i did? you saved my life back there in the park. i know this doesn't begin to make it right between us. i owe you a heavy debt. we kept it. while sam and i take out the back two cars. and then sam, you and i clean up whatever's left to be cleaned. finding this package is a thing easier said than done. we don't even know what it is. what did we steal? when this whole thing started you made it clear: you're running the show. and i don't believe you'd be running this show if you didn't know what was going on. and i don't believe you. i don't want you dead, woman, i want the the truth! who do you think, larry? the ira. the question still remains: what do we do now? you weren't around when i woke up, i thought maybe something had happened. this has been one very fucked up job, sam, and i'm not taking any more chances on anybody. including you. you were smoking? please, help yourself. smoke as many you'd like. of course. whenever you feel like it just help yourself. that was a bad bit of business, today. a lot of people died. i haven't. not like that. how do you get used to it? i won't lie -- there have been times when i had to do it, times when the only way to get out alive was to see that the other man didn't. i never really thought i was part of the world you move in, sam, to tell you the truth. i'm a hood, a thief. big time in a small time king of way. to the local police i'm a prize, to the local hoods i'm a legend. but to a guy like you i'm just another two bit hired gun. he's going north. that's aix en provence, where he used the phone. not necessarily. he could go off road at any number of places. he might not even be in the country anymore. i hate to interrupt a conversation of such cultural depth. but we've got to get back on the road. we've got him. i know those men. don't even think it. you're a cop. you're a fucking cop. i should kill you. vienna. that double-crossing bitch. that makes twice now you've saved my life. you see it your way, i'll see it mine. you need a doctor. no. i thought i'd take you to the hospital. fix it yourself? why are we even doing this? there's no need to run, christ. you're a cop. you're with interpol -- you're a cop. and what job is that? it looks to me like we're all that's left of our group. i'm going with you. it isn't about money for me, not anymore. yes i do. hello, jean-pierre. it's right there, beneath the surface. i can just make it out. alright, it's done. clearly. a souvenir. yes, sam's tough alright. of course. don't you? not exactly. how did you know? i'm alright. and you? a friend. i was telling him about how you always have the latest tapes. i was wondering if you had any movies that were particularly new. do you have the tape? you said you might know where we can get a copy of this tape? can you get it? you know him? i get the picture. tony and i have to talk some business, first. it's a matter of respect. why don't you wait outside, this won't take long. yes. the address of the russian production company. just in case we need to find them. if tony says this is it, then it's it. tell me, sam: why do you do this? continue when it would be so much easier to give it up. then quit. you don't work for interpol, sam. it's a cover, then. a cover within a cover, a feint within a feint. you work for the cia, it's the only possible answer. dark ops? very ugly. not very zen of you, huh? not so much the modern samurai after all. i know. jean-pierre did. i was waiting to see what would happen. i didn't want to kill him if i didn't have to. i would have tried not to. but yes, if it would have kept him from shooting you, i would have. because i owe you. look at that. he's not dead. you think? what the fuck happened? you don't know? bullshit, you had her, there was no way out. why didn't you kill her? you slept with her! you slept with her! you put everything on the line because you. fuck. left left left!!! right now? why are you driving? you're not french, you don't live here, you don't know these roads. why are you driving? we don't have much time. i'm not here very much. something like that. so i do it. if our positions were reversed, would you leave me? i think not. do we need anything else? if i'm going to die for the cia, i'm going to go out smoking. besides, there's half a forest between us and them, they can't see a goddamned thing. just like that? what of it? samurai pain in the ass. why? you've got more force of will than anyone i've ever seen. you handle a gun like it's a part of you, you perform surgery on yourself without anesthesia. and most amazing of all, you quit smoking, just like that. why then, sam, don't you act like this is a job like any other? surely, if you are a hired gun, you realize that some times you just have to walk away without getting what you came for. why not? closest and oldest. and when you finish? what then? this package, whatever it is, do you give it to the cia? do you really think they deserve it? do you have a good answer? that's one less i owe you. you have to stop doing that! finish the job. finish it! i'm really sick of you saving my life. go out and get the bastard. you son-of-a-bitch. you speak french. nothing. "your field dressing saved his life." that's three i owe you. i know. tell me something first. the package: what was it? what happened to it? i guess that's for the best. sam, when gregor had deirdre by the lake, you could have killed the two of them with one shot. you could have had the package, finished the job. but you didn't, you sacrificed the job to save her life. why? would you just smoke already. just to keep me company, sam -- i hate smoking alone. how about you? i thought all you ira types smoked. so where do you go from here? i'm up for that. she's got a point. besides, i know of a job that's available. we have to go, sam, we can't be here. let's go!! doctor's orders. Goodbye, Sam.