elaine as she hears the name. she is shocked. marcia and elaine. process. marcia sits in the bed of the wagon looking back. elaine lies under the seat. steve. steve proudly carries his new rifle across his lap. he whistles happily as he scans the desert country hopefully for the enemy. clay. he listens, perturbed. clay. he winces at! steve. he listens, trying to locate the sound then he hurries down into a dry wash. steve and elaine. clay. he turns in his saddle where he rides ahead of the team. he notices steve riding at mary's side and reins in his horse. rain -- clay. he wheels his horse at the sound of helen's voice and rides back through the rain toward the wagon. as she stops, apparently inspired by mary's last remark. she looks out into the yard where clay is working on the wagon. clay, as he peers down. he cocks his rifle. the voices of mary and steve and the sound of the approaching wagon can be heard o.s. clay turns his head. mary. she turns her face to look at him. camera angle widens. clay stands above her, looking down. for a moment their eyes meet. clay starts away. camera holds on mary. helen. she lies in the bed of the wagon, looking up. mary. she looks after him. clay. he is wary, puzzled as to the man's identity. for all he knows it may be one of lednov's men. mary. she is hurt by his silence. mary. she wants to break windows. mary. she stares after them, raging. then she glances at the wagon. mary. she looks toward the river. she is frightened, about to abandon the whole foolish enterprise. she glances back. mary. she looks in clay's direction, then turns and stares at the river. mary. the current sweeps her against a rock. stunned -- she goes under. steve. he is hurt and angry. knowing he was in the wrong about the fire doesn't help matters. he'd like to go off in the woods and cry, but that's out of the question. instead he follows clay and stands above him. clay. he looks up anxiously, then turns. camera angle widens to include mary and she straightens and faces him, her back to the trail. steve as he stares. then understanding his brother's actions, he jerks the reins and swings the horse around and rides back toward the meadow. lednov. he ducks lower, steadies his rifle. clay. he starts forward, face set with rage. steve. he smiles up at mary. clay and mary. up angle past lamp. mary waits, looking up at him.