what's the difference if we fall in the canyon. back to what? i -- lost something. give it to me! what ranch? ask him what ranch -- which ranch? i don't care. i said i didn't care. don't ask me because i won't tell you! i won't tell anybody! go away! i'm sorry. let's go. helen -- why don't you and mary go on with clay? of course i do -- but it'd be better for you -- and the house is kind of small -- it isn't that -- but i want to stay. i'm not going anywhere. i'm staying here where i belong. stop it -- stop it. go away -- please. she mustn't -- don't you let her -- if she says anything to them i'll kill her. i don't want to leave you, ever. don't let them stay here, mr. phillips. they'll spoil everything. take them with you -- mary's going to talk to dad -- she's going to keep talking and talking to me until maybe i won't want to stay here -- you've got to -- don't you understand -- they want me with them and they'll fix it so i have to go --