med. shot of lednov as he pulls in his limping horse, steps, looking back over his shoulder as though he sensed an unfamiliar presence. the other two watch him, frowning. then he shrugs and glances down at the bad leg of his mount. full shot. the river is beyond the meadow. in the pine forest at the edge of the meadow is fowler's camp. the cavalcade is driving up to the camp. there are two horses tethered in the meadow. close shot - down angle. mary is asleep in the shade of a pine. she lies on a tarp using a folded blanket for a pillow. it is very quiet. she stirs, opens her eyes. her expression changes. a soft smile plays around her lips as camera angle widens and we see clay sitting near her, leaning against the bole of a pine. he isn't looking at her. mary watches him for a moment. clay leads the pack train out into the clearing and toward the road. a small creek threads its way through the meadow. clay rides up to the creek and swings out of the saddle. he is taking the saddle off as the others ride up. long shot - steve's angle. clay is carrying the belongings into the shelter of the forest. camera pans over and up. momentarily a horseman is seen riding into an open space. med. shot - steve gallops across the meadow to the corral, swings off and starts unsaddling. clay is inside the forest lighting the fire. long shot - down angle. above the pines smoke rises. the horses graze inside the corral. in the shadowy forest by the creek, clay's camp can be seen. a tarp has been stretched over the camp. lednov moves into the right hand side of the frame and looks down. med. shot. steve runs, bending low, toward the rail fence. a bullet kicks up dirt near him. med. shot. steve sits propped up against the fence rail. his shirt is off and his shoulder is crudely bandaged. clay, who has been putting the bandage on, stands and takes a sack of tobacco from his pocket.