she's a little out of practice. i'm slidin' all the way over. you think that'sall we busted -- you should see. afraid it will stop him growin'? maybe you're going about this all wrong. why not try telling him we'll do the cookin' and mendin' and washin' for him. that usually works. yeah, but suppose he took us up on it. where would we be? you think that's all we busted -- you should see. looks like we lose a good piano player. with a milk pail in one hand and a marriage license in the other. she was here a while ago. she can't have gone far. i wasn't asleep long. elaine -- stop it -- if she feels worse than i do, she's dyin'. i don't know about you. but i'm not being thrown out on an empty stomach. sit down and eat, why don't you? it isn't like this was the first place we were ever thrown out of. quit worryin' about elaine. she's home, isn't she? so worry about us. we want to get to sonora. that sounds like him. this time don't talk about cooking! did you make it interesting? and we're running out of that. how long do you think we'll have to stay here? we don't want to go there. clay could save us an awful lot of time. what are you waiting for? do something. you're not giving up? maybe i better start working on him. if you can't bring him around, nobody can. go on. have another try at him. please. maybe he'll take a good look at you and stop thinking so much about his horses. a man has only so many no's in him. look at you, sitting up already. let me do this while you get some breakfast. you're worn out. now don't argue. you've got two able- bodied girls to help you so take advantage of it. and don't let me catch you touching the dishes. well -- it's going to be good for all of us -- having a nice long rest here. after all -- sonora will still be there next month. maybe we can rehearse a new number -- try it out on your folks. he won't take us. don't you want us around? if you're worried about mary and me talkin' too much, don't. no matter how many questions your old man asks. we know how to keep our mouths shut. don't talk -- eat -- we want to get you well quick as we can so we can all get out of here. drink this and stop being silly. why would anyone want to live in this place. you might as well be dead and buried. nothing to do but look at mountains. in a week you'd be talking to yourself. maybe that's what got you started in the first place. not if i know mary. when she rides into sonora, you'll be with her. and mighty glad to be there after this. i don't see how you stood it as long as you did. darling -- now i've got you all upset. that's right -- you go back to sleep. tomorrow when you feel better things will look a whole lot different. don't you worry about anything -- mary's going to talk things over with your folks -- there, there. don't you upset yourself -- nothing. the poor child's worried about mary -- i won't let her say anything -- thanks, steve. you make him sound wonderful. go on. tell mary more about him. go ahead. get in training for the pioneer life. i'm finding the nearest body of water and climbing into it. me snoopin'? i came down here to take a bath. that something i shouldn't see? what is it? the way you act, it must be something pretty secret. you wouldn't have a smoke on you, would you? thanks. i like it. then why stay in the hills. that why? you're sure there's more where this came from? pretty, isn't it? and all you have to do is shovel sand into a thing and the river does the work. maybe you are. i'm not. i'm stayin' here with jed. well cheer, why don't you? no more responsibilities, mary. marcia -- elaine -- me -- all taken care of. down there feeding horses and raising kids, you won't have a thing to worry about. sounds fine. only that isn't how it's going to be. i'm sure of this. but not of you. you won't open any joint. i've been watching you change. you're mad now and you think you can change back. but you can't. you'll end up making beds in a boarding house. mary, honey. i talked too much, like always -- he thinks you told elaine the things i told her. you can put this out of the way, jed. it's empty. let him alone! kick a guy, would you! you scum! you won't do any kickin' when they come back. you dirty murderers. killin' people when they're sleepin'. everybody knows -- stop it -- clay phillips. up the trail. i don't know -- i don't know.