wyatt goes to the stove and starts stoking the fire. mrs. wyatt takes the lamp from the wall bracket and goes into the bedroom. angled past mrs. wyatt. clay, carrying elaine, bundled in blankets, comes forward. wyatt has stopped just inside the kitchen. mary and helen follow clay through the door. full shot. mary and helen stand close to the steve, looking anxiously toward the bedroom door as clay and wyatt come out. clay closes the door. wyatt, dazed by the shock of seeing his daughter again, stands momentarily staring at the closed door. then very slowly he turns and looks at helen and mary. helen is sitting at the table, eating a piece of bread and drinking coffee. mary stands at the window. steve is heard coming up the steps and across the porch. he pushes the door open and enters. med. shot. mary crosses to the stove. med. shot as footsteps cross the porch and the screen door creaks open. clay enters the kitchen, carrying the girls' suitcases and some blankets. he nods to the girls, then goes to the door leading to the other bedroom. there he stops. clay turns from the stove to the cupboard over the sink and takes down a coffee cup. the door into elaine's bedroom is closed. the door into mary's bedroom opens and mary enters the kitchen. he turns back to the stove and fills his cup as mary comes up.