clay and steve. steve, finger on trigger gives clay a questioning glance. clay shakes his head. rain -- down angle -- wagon moving. elaine sits up and, in her delirium, throws off the tarp. helen tries to pull her down. rain -- wagon. mary pulls on the reins and the mules stop. twisting them around the whip-stock, she swings back into the wagon bed. she looks up at clay. rain - angled across seat - . clay rides alongside. then, without a word, he strips off his slicker, tosses it on the seat and rides off. mary looks after him, then at the slicker. she hesitates, not wanting to take favors from him. then she pulls the slicker around her. taking the whip, she hits the mules. camera angle widens and camera holds. the team breaks into a trot. the cavalcade moves away from camera through drenching rain. on wagon - . clay rides up alongside. mary is hunched forward on the seat. down angle. a girl's clothing is neatly packed in the trunk. a framed picture is face down on top of the clothing. mrs. wyatt kneels by the trunk, pushes the dresses aside and finds a nightgown. camera angle widens as she rises and shakes it out. it is frilly, dainty, very feminino; obviously the nightdress of a young girl. she closes the trunk, turns and as she goes to the bed, wyatt comes through the door carrying the towel-wrapped stove lid. she lays the nightgown on the bed, takes the stove lid and puts it between the sheets. wyatt is staring down at the garment. the wyatts in the doorway. they recognize the girl. wyatt's expression hardens. clay, carrying elaine, pushes between them into the bedroom. clay. he lowers his rifle, waves at them to stop and be quiet, rises and hurries down the hill, camera panning with him. clay and steve. camera moves ahead of them as they walk toward the wagon. steve has begun to whistle blithely. clay looks sideways at him. steve whistles even louder. they stop at the wagon. camera holds. steve climbs inside and hands down the grub box. mary, fowler and helen. helen is staring at mary. she crosses to her and puts her arm around her shoulders. wagon. mary straightens, looks off, then climbs into the seat and picks up the reins and the whip. she lashes the mules with the whip. camera angle widens. the mules jump and gallop off. fowler and helen come into the scene. on clay. he glances after mary, then reins his horse around and gallops after her, camera panning with him. mary leans wearily forward on the pommel, too tired to dismount. clay. he climbs up on an eminence and looks back toward the hills. steve. he is standing recklessly trying to find lednov in the rocks above. clay. he stares down at the horses. a shot is heard. angles past doctor.