mary in close f.g. the campfire burns low. steve lies on his stomach close to it. clay stops beside him to glance down, then moves on to sit on a rock above the fire. mary starts toward the fire. angled past clay. down the hill in the forest, is the wagon. beyond it the horses stand. steve is stretched out on his stomach studying his magazine. helen is sitting on a tarp playing solitaire. clay starts down the hill toward the camp. the cavalcade enters the canyon. clay gallops toward the river. steve comes around the bend in the trail. peters stands in front of her. as he reaches out for her, she tries to get away. he grabs her, wrapping his arms around her. lednov stands on a rocky hill looking down in the meadow. behind him are mccall and peters. they are screened from the meadow by the rocks. lednov turns and starts off through the rocks to circle above the camp. the two men follow. all are on foot.